You Don’t Need To Change The World, Enough With You

How many times have you thought that your life would be better if the world, you family , your friends or your circumstances were different?   We’ve all been to this point, and while it’s true that some people have overly complex circumstances, you don’t need to change the world.

Many people spend their lives complaining because they don’t like what they see around them.   There are those who are so focused on seeing the negative that they begin to look for alternatives to change the world and, little by little, they forget about themselves, their health and their loved ones.

Do you really think you can do something for others if you don’t work on yourself first? Next we will talk about some things that you can change in yourself and in your closest environment.   You will discover that small actions can do more than any radical change.

Expand the list of things you like

One of the first factors in changing the world is creating greater awareness of what is happening in it. We do not suggest that you change your interests, but expand them.

This is because, when we try to improve what is around us, it is common to do so from our point of view.  Instead, when we incorporate new tastes or experiences, we can understand what others see.

Try new sports, eat foods you haven’t tried before, or listen music different from the usual one.  This first point may seem unimportant but it will allow you to be more adaptable to any environment in which you operate. .

Understand and respect emotions

How many times have you heard someone say that it is better to put emotions aside and focus only on the facts or the rational?  This is something very common in our culture, since they do not teach us to deal with what we feel.

However, when we think about how the world could improve, one of the first things we think is that everything would be better if others really understood what we feel.

The reality is that understanding the people who live with us is not easy.

The next time you are thinking about how to change the world, ask yourself how much you respect your emotions and those of others.  Remember that the emotions are there to help us live as a society . Through them we can interpret and expose our experiences.

Therefore, respecting and trying to understand the feelings of those around us is vital to improve our relationships.

Work for the benefit of your health

On this page we talk especially about the health topics that may interest you and we try to give as much information as possible so that you stay in good condition.   However, taking care of your health is really essential to change the world.

It is not enough to read that you should eat a healthy diet if in the end you only follow it for a few days and then forget about it. If we all lead a healthier lifestyle, we could cope with the great pandemics of the 21st century: type II diabetes and obesity.

Stop wasting your time on the wrong people


Life is too short to spend surrounded by those who steal your happiness.  It is very normal that when you are surrounded by toxic or negative people you begin to see all the deficiencies that you have around and you want to change the world.

If you get to this point, you may find yourself joining in with that negativity, which will not do you any good either.

Instead of following suit, start changing your perspective and the way you deal with problems.

The first step is to get away from the people who are hurting you. Then begin to include people in your circle who really bring you a healthier point of view.  Over time, you will see that many of those people who affected you begin to change.

Although at first glance it may seem that talking about being more positive is enough to change the situation, it is very likely that you will not achieve anything.

Think that we all act based on what we are experiencing and not what they tell us.  Sometimes we can only change when we see that others have done it and we want to follow in their footsteps.

Stop putting yourself last

How many times have you felt overwhelmed by all the obligations that you think you have towards others?  Although it is healthy to think about those around us and try to help them get ahead, you cannot leave yourself last.

Surely you know more than one person who believes that changing the world includes solving the life of everyone around him.  In this case the result is usually always the same: a feeling that nothing is enough.

When we focus on pleasing others, we end up having a life where things seem to be meaningless. If this is how you feel, start working on yourself today.

Surely you have already noticed that changing the world begins with an internal change. While this may seem very simple and unimportant, it is a very important thing to be happy .

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