Why Is The Intestinal Flora So Important?

There are many advertisements that focus on taking care of our intestinal flora. But why is it so important?

There are many advertisements for yogurts that claim to take care of our intestinal flora. But, it is possible, that we do not understand very well what they really mean. Sure names like probiotics and prebiotics sound familiar to us. But what is this all about?

In our intestine there are a series of microorganisms that are known as intestinal flora. These are the ones that help us to have good digestions, so that we do not suffer from bloating or gas. In addition, the intestinal flora significantly affects our entire body.

The functions of the intestinal flora

Well, we already know that there are microorganisms in our intestines that are known as intestinal flora. But are they all good? The truth is, no. Some of them have harmful effects on our health, but when kept at a low level they do not cause problems.

These microorganisms that are not beneficial to us can increase their number due to different causes. For example, change of residence, take a certain medication, stress situations, etc.

Intestinal flora

All this can cause an imbalance and cause the good microorganisms to be reduced and the harmful ones increased. That’s when problems arise. We feel bad, bloated, we don’t go to the bathroom so much …

Most of all these microorganisms live in the colon. Why can’t they be in the stomach or the first few sections of the small intestine? Because here there is a great degree of acidity. This makes the microorganisms unable to survive under these circumstances.

Knowing all this, what kind of specific functions does the intestinal flora have? Next, we are going to mention 5 important functions that we need to take into account:

  • Prevents germs and pathogens that can get through food.
  • Synthesizes vitamin K and D.
  • Absorbs calcium, magnesium, sodium, and iron.
  • Helps the immune system.
  • It generates energy for the whole organism.

As we can see, if the intestinal flora is not healthy, our whole body suffers its consequences. Hence the importance of caring for it properly.

Probiotics and prebiotics for the intestinal flora

In what way can we take care of our intestinal flora? Well, for this we must pay attention to probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are living microorganisms that we incorporate into our body through food. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are indigestible ingredients that stimulate the growth of certain intestinal bacteria.

Good nutrition

Probiotics can be found in yogurt or lactic ferments. But also, in foods as delicious as tempeh, sauerkraut, kefir or miso.

How can we consume prebiotics? Well, we can consume them by taking fruits and vegetables, especially alchachofas, bananas and asparagus. But also, we can find them in oats or wheat.

If we do not consume these foods or eat them infrequently, including them more often in our diet will make a big difference. Eating better and healthier not only makes us lose weight or look better, but it also helps us enjoy better health.

Our well-being is our responsibility

Now that we know a little more about the intestinal flora, it is necessary that we not only incorporate all these foods into our diet, but also discard some unhealthy habits that are not doing us any good. Smoking, leading a sedentary life, eating too many foods rich in saturated fat … This, in the long run, will make us have to pay a very high price.

We will not only take care of our intestinal flora by eating healthy, but also by starting to play sports, drinking more water than soft drinks, stopping taking laxatives … If your intestinal flora is not well, it is very likely that you suffer from constipation, for example. Maybe one way you have to solve this is to take laxatives. But this doesn’t do your health any good.

On the other hand, if you incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, for example, and start exercising, you will notice how you start to go to the bathroom very easily. Your intestinal flora is rebalancing.

Were you aware of the importance of the intestinal flora? Do you do any of those mentioned to take care of her? From here we encourage you to improve your diet and your habits to enjoy greater well-being.

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