Why Is Sports Massage Necessary?

Physical activity has existed as a common practice in humans and later in sport (both amateur and professional). In turn, so has sports massage. It is more than just a way to relax muscles and physical tensions.

Contractures, pains, bumps, bruises and other hazards of the sport are handled in a professional way by physiotherapists. These are in charge of the anatomy of the muscles and the correct care to prevent injuries.

However, the performance of sports massage is much more than just meeting a preventive goal. In fact, it is ideal for the palliative treatment of ailments linked to high physical impact.

In a world full of technology applied to sports, it is striking that the work of physiotherapists is still in force. There are many sports in which injuries are prevented with massage.

However, the purpose of sports massage is the effective and relatively rapid treatment of muscle tissue. The elongations, frictions and blows suffered by athletes wear down parts of the body, and that is where massages are important.

Below we will show you a series of keys that are fulfilled in the optimal performance of this activity. What it is, why it is important, how it is carried out and what it is for.

Real importance of sports massage

It fulfills a regenerative function

Get massages

The human body in its anatomical design provides all the necessary tools to be able to cope with physical activity. However, in the world of sport, competitiveness and demand prevail to the maximum. That is when the lesions appear.

Due to the overload of activity that some sports have, they leave little time for recovery and regeneration of muscle tissue . Massaging the compromised areas speeds recovery and alleviates ailments.

Prevention, recovery and therapy

The frequency with which athletes or sportsmen tend to injure themselves can be defined with the incorrect treatment of blows through muscle massage. One of the worst ailments that exists in physical activity is the anterior cruciate ligament.

After the surgery and the recovery stage, the main role is assumed by the therapies that are carried out with the physiotherapists that use massage or support and tension techniques, depending on the type of injury.

It is perfect for releasing stress and tension

How to relieve ailments with massage

As a publication in Sports Medicine Information points out , sports massage can be used to relieve pain, anxiety, and muscle tension.

This is already known from all other types of massage, but you must bear in mind that, in the high demand of sport, the muscles, ligaments and bones tend to accumulate considerable stress. Massages alleviate this situation.

They can be done both full-body and focused only on the parts of the body that require the most attention.

In addition, they are the tool that doctors have both before, during and after sports competition. Perhaps you have seen cramps during a soccer game, and how massage alleviates this problem immediately.

They are applicable in all stages of the sport

Sports training evolves in stages that include precompetitive and postcompetitive training and training, so that the muscles can rest and not overload.

Physiotherapists use these times to apply their massages. Thus, they are present in each stage that the athlete goes through with or without competition. Remember that the physical preparation of the competitors is governed by discipline and the demand is always the goal.

Who performs sports massages?

Sports massages performed by physiotherapists

In any sports team, federation or conglomerate, both the physical preparation and the massages that athletes receive are the responsibility and obligation of certified physiotherapists and technicians in relation to sports science.

This means that not everyone can perform these massages. What’s more, the malpractice of this activity can seriously worsen an initial picture of injury. It is very important to know the physiology of the body and the key points that must be addressed.

Are sports massages painful?

Regarding the discomfort or pain that athletes may present, everything is related to the level of the injury, the depth of its scope and the subjective reaction of athletes to massages and pain.

A cramp is not the same as a hamstring or quadriceps injury, therefore the level of pain to be tolerated will vary considerably. The important thing is that the pain usually dissipates with the correct massage, always applied by a professional.

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