Why Do You Feel Palpitations In Your Eye? 5 Possible Causes

Have you ever felt those annoying palpitations in the eye that have prevented you from doing your daily routine normally? We tell you what the causes are and how to avoid them in the following article.

Have you ever noticed sudden palpitations in the eye or that your eyelids move unconsciously? Don’t worry, this is something that happens to the vast majority of people at certain times. In fact, you may have heard mentioned that it is a reflex of accumulated stress. However, sometimes you think, what if it’s about something else?

In general, this discomfort does not last long and is usually caused by minor reasons. However, it is important that you stay alert in the event that the situation lasts for a long time. It must be taken into account that the eyes are very sensitive to any particle of dust or movement, which can cause injury.

Let’s go deeper.

What can be due to palpitations in the eye?

Blue eye of a woman.

The National Library of Medicine of the United States affirms that the causes may be, among others, the following that we are going to comment on.

1. Tiredness and not getting enough sleep

Fatigue causes wear and tear on your vision. By not resting the body, the nervous system is alert. If you have a lot of stress during your everyday life, you should put it aside as it can be a trigger for palpitations in the eye.

When the body experiences this sensation continuously, it produces nervous excitement and palpitations in the eye are one of those manifestations. Therefore, sleeping well is essential for your eyes to rest.

2. Stress and anxiety

The palpitation in the eye is produced by nervous stimuli that can be generated by poor stress management and vital stages of great anguish. When the mind is in this situation,  the brain can collapse and generate unwanted physiological effects  on the body.

If this is your case, try to avoid consuming caffeine in excess. This drink can make you more upset, so the nervous system will be vulnerable and stress will increase.

3. Eye dryness

Eye health implies visual rest and eye care, because with external exposure it can be damaged. One of the most common is dry eye when it does not produce enough lubrication.

It is advisable to wear sunglasses before going out and, if necessary, resort to the use of artificial tears to improve eye movement.

4. Excessive exposure to the use of screens and mobile phones

The optical quality of the eyes will depend on the effort made daily. If you spend a lot of time on the computer or using the phone, the reflection of the screen can cause eye strain, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The eye works much more if you abuse technological devices. In such a hyper-connected society, it is common for one to spend hours without detaching from the screen of mobile phones, tablets or computers, which is tremendously negative.

Try to find healthy alternatives to enjoy your free time. Although it is impossible to eliminate the presence of these elements from daily life, you can reduce their use considerably.

Young woman looking at her mobile phone in the dark.

5. Previous uncorrected defects

It is important that you visit the ophthalmologist when you have vision problems. A proper examination and treatment will help reduce the associated risks and you will be able to take the necessary measures to correct what happens to you.

If you need to wear prescription glasses or have poorly prescription glasses, you will strain your eyes and, among other things, you may feel palpitations in your eye. Your visual health is important: check it regularly, because your eyes will thank you.

In the same way, if the months pass and the palpitations do not disappear, it is recommended that you consult a neurologist. Although it is unlikely that it is related, it is best to stay without doubts.

Your eyes are the window to the world: take care of them as they deserve

In summary, to avoid palpitations in the eye, it is advisable to rest your eyes and not strain them for too long. Remember that your eyes are the door to the world   and you must take care of them like the rest of your body.

If you work long hours in front of the computer, it is recommended that from time to time you focus on an infinite point on the wall, so that your eyes can relax. In the same way, use artificial tears or special drops regularly. Consult with your ophthalmologist beforehand, it is a good option to preserve your eye health.

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