Why Do Women Have A Swollen Belly In Menopause?

Sometimes the belly can swell from the consumption of certain foods, but in what other cases can it happen? Let’s see it next.

Most of the women who are near the menopause, or are already living it, comment that, sometimes, their belly swells, for no apparent reason. Also, they wonder what they could do about it.

The swelling is not only a physical discomfort, but also a reason for discomfort on a psychological level, because it makes the woman perceive herself with much more volume than she actually has. Therefore, it is important to know its origin and give it the most appropriate treatment.

Here we explain what are the factors that affect the origin of the swelling and what possible natural solutions could contribute to relief and reduction of inflammation.

Why do women have a swollen belly?

Woman with hands on belly

In general, there are women who indicate that they have a greater tendency to have a bloated belly after eating some types of food or when they are close to having their menstrual period.

Although swelling can be a specific issue in these cases, in the menopausal stage it seems that it is also common. Now why?

Hormonal changes can cause multiple changes in the body, including swelling. For this reason, a series of self-care must be taken into account to prevent the alterations from being very noticeable or causing great discomfort on a day-to-day basis.

There are women whose belly swells because they follow the same routine they had before menopause. They eat the same things, they do the same type of exercise (or worse, none) and thus, they do not realize that they are not giving their body what it really needs.

On the other hand, the swelling could be due to factors other than menopause. After all, in the belly is the female reproductive system and also the intestine. If these organs undergo modifications, it is very likely that they are reflected in the appearance of the abdomen.

Gut health is a factor to consider

One of the organs that suffers the most from the changes of menopause is the intestine. This is especially the case in women who have suffered from constipation before.

Therefore, it is essential to maintain a consistent diet in this new stage of life. One that facilitates the body’s natural ‘cleansing’ and allows the intestine to function properly.

If you suffer from constipation and your belly swells, in addition to drinking plenty of fluids daily, you can include foods rich in fiber in your diet, such as:

  • Oatmeal. 
  • Fruit.
  • Prunes.
  • Ground flax seeds.
  • Beets and other plant-based foods.

Recommendations to prevent the belly from swelling

Hormonal changes

To prevent the belly from swelling often, it is advisable to adopt the doctor’s recommendations and improve some aspects of the diet, as indicated in an article published in the Chilean Nutrition Magazine. It is advisable to take the following measures:

  • Eliminate sugars from the diet and, occasionally, replace them with small amounts of honey, agave syrup, molasses or stevia.
  • Eliminate cereals and refined flours.
  • Choose whole grains like oats, spelled, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, kamut, etc.
  • Increase the consumption of protein, especially vegetables (legumes, nuts, mushrooms, etc.). From the animal protein choose organic poultry meat, fish and eggs.
  • Increase the consumption of healthy fats.  Vegetable oils of first cold pressure, avocado, nuts, egg yolk, etc.

Doubts? Consult with your doctor

If you consider that your belly swells frequently, even maintaining good lifestyle habits, consult your doctor. The professional will evaluate you and tell you what may be happening, as well as the measures you can take to say goodbye to the swelling.

Along with what the doctor tells you, remember that it is good that you hydrate properly daily, since this allows you to regulate all the functions of the body and alleviate all kinds of issues.

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