What To Take Into Account To Make A Gluten-free Diet?

When you’ve just been diagnosed with gluten intolerance it seems that having a healthy and enjoyable diet is impossible. However dieting without gluten it just requires a few minor adaptations.

The really complex thing is usually to get used to the idea that you will have to eliminate certain foods from the menu . Therefore, making a total elimination of these foods is key to being successful.

The fewer temptations you have on hand, the easier it will be to go on a gluten-free diet. Take these first steps and successfully start your new lifestyle.

Do a total cleaning of your kitchen

We are not referring to a toilet, although it never hurts. Actually We are talking about eliminating from your kitchen everything that has gluten and that you should no longer consume . Among the products on this list are:

  • Commercial seasonings.
  • Ready-made flour to prepare breads and cakes.
  • Normal breads and cookies.
  • Flours with gluten of any kind.
  • Pasta and rice not integral.

In addition, it is recommended that you eliminate those utensils that are used to prepare foods with gluten. An example is the bread toaster. It may seem extreme, but generally gluten-free foods do not require these appliances. Now, we don’t say throw everything away. Try to donate them or give them to friends and family so that they can take advantage of them.

Equip your kitchen with appropriate products for a gluten-free diet

Once you’ve removed all the gluten from your kitchen, your kitchen may look really empty. Luckily, there is currently a whole industry around this condition. This translates into products specially designed to successfully nourish gluten-free.

Ideally, you should start by buying fresh foods, such as fruits, natural oils, fresh or dried spices, and vegetables. . Then, complement with some commercial options but try to make them few. By having your kitchen well equipped, it will be easier for you to think of a menu and solve the food problem.

Among the foods that it is advisable to have are:

  • Fresh seasonal fruits.
  • Lean meats and some organ meats.
  • Fresh vegetables.
  • Fish.
  • Cornmeal.
  • Oatmeal both in flakes and in flour.
  • Quinoa .
  • Gluten-free flours to prepare breads and cakes at the moment.

    However, when purchasing gluten-free products make sure they do not contain excessive amounts of sugar, since this nutrient is capable of worsening health if consumed in excess, as stated in a study published in Frontiers in Bioscience.

    Open your mind and palate to new products and experiences

    Going on a gluten-free diet will force you to include new flavors and textures in your diet. Whenever this happens, regardless of the reason, we may experience a bit of reluctance. However, it is important that you experiment as soon as possible.

    Gluten-free foods.

    Think that the faster you do it, the sooner you will adapt to the changes and the less hunger and discomfort you will experience. Our suggestion is that most of your food includes foods that you already know and that are fresh.

    For example, you could prepare a fresh salad and accompany it with Oatmeal Cookies or salty quinoa tostadas. By having something that you already know, the barrier to accept cookies will be lower.

    Learn to read labels

    When doing a gluten-free diet it is important that you know that some foods may contain this element even if you believe otherwise. The first thing that can happen is that they label the products as gluten-free when they have a minimum amount.

    To make sure this is not the case, read the ingredient list. Sometimes gluten appears last because it is minimal . However, it is still present and is best avoided.

    Another reason to read labels is that trademarks process a large number of products. During these processes, some ingredients can be mixed in small quantities. Therefore, it is important that you read the labels to identify any messages in this regard.

    When this possibility exists, brands add a legend referring to the possibility of such cross contamination.

    You can also take the opportunity to check if the product you are going to purchase has additives in its composition. This class of products has been shown to be capable of negatively affecting health in certain cases. An example would be nitrites, preservatives used in the meat industry.

    Learn to eat gluten-free outside the home

    Eating a gluten-free diet at home is relatively straightforward. But doing it outside involves a great effort that begins with knowing what foods are allowed. If you have doubts, you can always ask the waiter for a suggestion.

    Just pay attention and if you notice that he doesn’t know much about gluten-free food , choose options with vegetables . Unfortunately, not all servers are so careful about the subject and might suggest something that is not appropriate.

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