What Is Cloperastine

Cloperastine is an active principle that has an antitussive effect at the central and peripheral level. This active principle works by inhibiting the cough reflex but does not cause depression on the central nervous system. In addition, cloperastine also has antihistamine activity and reduces bronchial spasms.

Discover in this article what there is to know about this medicine that can be useful in winter. We will tell you what its indications are and its adverse reactions to take into account.

How does cloperastine work?

It is a dual action antitussive drug; one of them is on the center of the cough, and the other, which is peripheral, is a local action. Its central action on the cough center is selective, and it also works by relaxing the bronchial tubes.

As for the local action of cloperastine, tell you that it takes place at the point where irritation occurs. It acts locally by reducing the inflammation of the mucosa. This double action makes it possible to use chloroplastin as a treatment for almost any type of cough. 

What dose do I have to take?

The recommended dose of cloperastine in adults is 10 milliliters 3 times a day. In the case of children, depending on their age, the doses are as follows:

  • Between 7 and 12 years : 5 milliliters 2 times a day.
  • From 5 to 6 years : 3 milliliters 2 times a day.
  • Between 2 and 4 years : 2 milliliters 2 times a day.

Cloperastine is not indicated for the treatment of children under two years of age.

cough for bronchitis

Coughing is an annoying and difficult symptom to treat. Among the cough suppressants there is cloperastine

Before taking this medicine, you should shake the container well. The effect of this medicine appears after about 20 to 30 minutes.

Taking the drug with meals does not affect its action, therefore you can take it before, after or with meals. What you should keep in mind is that it is not convenient to drink alcohol while you are in treatment.

Indications and contraindications

Cloperastine is indicated for the treatment of different forms of cough, such as irritative cough or nervous cough. Although it is a safe drug, there are always exceptions. Cloperastine is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Under 2 years old.
  • Hypersensitivity to antihistamines or to cloperastine itself.
  • If you are being treated with MAOIs, monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressants.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: if you are in one of these two situations, it is better to avoid it.
  • If you suffer from asthma: this medicine can modify the expectoration since it inhibits the cough reflex and increases the resistance of the respiratory tract.

What adverse effects does it have?

Cloperastine as a medicine can cause adverse effects. The adverse effects that become apparent when high doses of cloperastine are administered are drowsiness and dry mouth.

Very rarely, an allergic reaction may appear to this active principle, or to any of the components present in the different pharmaceutical forms.

On the other hand, although rare, disorders of the nervous system can occur, such as tremors and dizziness. 

Cloperastine interactions

Due to its antihistamine action, cloperastine enhances the effects of alcohol and sedative drugs. These drugs include hypnotics, opioid analgesics, benzodiazepines, and antipsychotics. In general, one consideration to keep in mind is that cloperastine interacts with drugs that have a central depressant effect.

In addition, antihistamine drugs increase the muscarinic action of other groups of drugs such as anticholinergics, antiparkinsonians, tricyclic antidepressants, and neuroleptics.

Cloperastine also interacts with expectorant and mucolytic drugs. Due to its inhibitory action on the cough reflex, it can cause pulmonary obstruction. 

Although over-the-counter, it is still a drug

Cloperastine is a drug that can be purchased without a prescription, however it has aspects that must be taken into account, and must be used with caution and without abusing it. It is preferable that a healthcare professional makes the indication and assess whether your type of cough will benefit from treatment with clopersatin.

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