What Is Biotin?

Many myths have been built around biotin, mainly because it has been promoted as a component with important cosmetic effects. There is insufficient evidence that it generates all the benefits that are claimed.

Biotin is a type of B vitamin that helps transform carbohydrates, fats and proteins that we consume into energy. It was originally called vitamin H, but today it is called B7 and has gained much popularity for its cosmetic action on nails and hair.

B7 is present in a large number of foods, unlike other vitamins. It is also in food supplements. Humans require only small doses of the substance to function properly. Children only demand 200 micrograms of this vitamin per day, and adults only 300.

The efficacy of biotin

Biotin is frequently consumed as a dietary supplement, since it has a series of beneficial properties for the body. The available evidence indicates that it is probably effective only to compensate for the lack of organic biotin.

It is very rare that there are low levels of biotin in the body, because this vitamin is present in many foods. In addition, the amount required by humans is low. However, there are some states or health conditions that lead to a decrease in this vitamin. This situation occurs mainly in:

  • Pregnant: when the diet is not ideal for the stage.
  • Catheters: people who have been fed through tubes for a long time.
  • Malnourished
  • Severe tobacco or alcohol addicts.
biotin b7

Unproven efficacy of artificial biotin

Although this vitamin is touted on the market as the answer to a large number of deficiencies and problems, the truth is that science has not found enough evidence  on many of the benefits attributed to it.

There is preliminary, inconclusive research claiming that biotin may be helpful in the following cases:

  • Stop or moderate hair loss, according to a study published in the journal Skin Appendage Disorders .
  • Thicken and improve the nails of the hands and feet, when there are scales.
  • Help regulate glucose levels and contribute to the reduction of peripheral nerve pain in people with diabetes, according to several experts.
  • Reduce muscle cramps in those undergoing dialysis.
  • Improve vision and increase mobility in people with multiple sclerosis.

Although all these properties are attributed to it, there is still not enough scientific evidence that it actually has them. What is practically ruled out is that this vitamin serves to reduce the rash caused by seborrheic dermatitis in babies.

Is it safe to use?

The prestigious American magazine Consumer Reports pointed out in one of its publications that the biotin supplement provides an amount up to 15 times greater than that required by a normal body. This generates excess plasma biotin, but the effect this may have on health is still unknown.

Some experts consider that our body is perfectly capable of eliminating excess vitamin B7, without this implying any problem for the human body. On the other hand, it has been suggested that this vitamin could affect fertility, but there are no studies to support this claim.

Some suspect that biotin may be harmful to pregnant women and the fetus. Nor is there any evidence for this. In any case, investigations into this substance are ongoing and at the moment there are many unresolved questions.

biotin pill

Sources and consumption of biotin

Most of us get vitamin B7 from our regular diet. It is present in common foods such as meat, fish, eggs, organ meats, nuts, seeds, and some greens and vegetables such as sweet potatoes, broccoli, and spinach.

The main manifestations of this vitamin deficiency are a rash around the eyes, nose and mouth, and thinning of the hair. An increase in the state of systemic inflammation can also be caused, according to an article published in the American Journal of Physiology.

There may also be high concentrations of acid in the blood and urine, skin infections, frequent styes, brittle nails, and problems with the nervous system.

Maintain adequate levels of biotin

Most people do not need to take biotin supplements. Its use became popular because it has been promoted as a cosmetic product. It is best to obtain this vitamin from food directly and not from supplements.

In this way you can guarantee the correct functioning of the physiological reactions of the human body. You will also help to keep inflammation under control, which causes the development of certain chronic pathologies. Remember to eat a varied diet to reduce the risk of a nutrient deficit.

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