What Is Arteriosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis is a condition in which the blood vessels become thick and stiff. The most common cause is the accumulation of fat, calcium or other substances that partially obstruct the free circulation of the blood.

Can atherosclerosis be prevented?

Arteriosclerosis tends to get worse with age, as substances accumulate inside the vessels. To prevent, or delay, this situation, we can  improve our eating habits :

  • Consume pumpkin (the fruit or its seeds). Pumpkin can help decrease the absorption of fat in the arteries,  so that it will not accumulate in the blood vessels. In addition, the vitamin C that it provides us, along with beta carotenes, will prevent many of the cells in our arteries from degenerating.

Pumpkin to prevent arterioresclerosis

  • Consume fiber, present in fruit, vegetables, cereals … Thanks to fiber, the intestine absorbs less fat, thus reducing the amount that reaches the blood.
  • Practice some type of  physical activity. Exercising can help reduce cholesterol in our body. Taking daily walks of 30 min to 1 hour at a brisk pace is enough, although you can practice the sport you prefer.

Complications of arteriosclerosis

Myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and angina pectoris are some of the possible complications that this disease can bring with it. However, if the patient makes changes in their lifestyle and receives the appropriate treatment for their case, they can avoid them. Hence the importance of caring for and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following the doctor’s instructions.

Within habits, diet and exercise play a key role in the quality of life of the patient. Therefore, one of the first measures to take will always be the modification and improvement of these. Either way, if you have any questions or suffer from this disease, it is best to follow your doctor’s instructions.

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