What Has To Be Will Be, In Due Time And Time

What has to be will be, in its time and in its moment. The only thing we need is, without a doubt, a pinch of patience and, above all, the clear will to continue building our present day by day to achieve this goal.

From this phrase that we have all heard more than once several ideas can be deduced. The first is that sometimes forcing things to happen ahead of time doesn’t bring good results.

The second is that people must be able to accept that life has its cycles, its moments. No one can, for example, aspire to a perfect relationship if he has not first learned to love himself.

To grow is to learn and, above all, to be open to all the opportunities that come our way. We invite you to reflect on it.

Everything has its moment, and every moment has its opportunity

The perfect moment will come in due time.

When we least expect it, everything works out. That this is so is not always due to the famous law of attraction. It is, rather, because most of the time it is not enough to want something very much for it to happen.

Sometimes good things happen just because, but we could say that, the rest of the time, good things happen because it is the moment and above all, because we ourselves have fostered it with our efforts.

The magic of opportunity

Magic must be seen, because it makes its way before our eyes at a precise moment that it is necessary to intuit.

  • Let’s take an example. We have been trained in a specific discipline, we have spent time studying, learning and acquiring good skills and adequate knowledge.
  • In a short time, a new field of work opens on the market. It is something innovative and, although it fits in a certain way with our training, it causes us something of fear. We come to question whether we are going to be competent or not.
  • Only those who know how to see the opportunity and who dare to take the step will  take advantage of what makes an appearance at just the right time. Neither before nor after: at the precise moment.

    If we do not take action on the matter, it is very possible that those ideal circumstances will not happen again.

    What has to be will be, if we also promote it

    Opportunities don’t usually knock just like that on our doorstep. Immobility does not attract opportunity, nor does simple desire just give us the dreams that our mind designs.

    • “What has to be” also requires an effort on our part. We are creative agents, entities capable of changing our reality and fostering opportunities as long as we propose.
    • There are things that happen because it is the moment, it is true, but if we ourselves have not put in some will, effort and dedication, it will be difficult for us to see what we want.

    The importance of keeping an open mind

    An open mind is not just a mind that dreams under the stars casting wishes to infinity. An open mind has very specific characteristics:

    • You are aware of your needs.
    • She has a good connection with herself, a good self-concept and self-esteem to be able to set limits to what she does not want and to extend her networks to what she does want.
    • She is an observer, listens to everything around her and chooses what can allow her to grow and keep moving forward.
    • An open and receptive mind knows how to seize the moment and invest energy and knowledge so that opportunities come to it when it is the most propitious moment.

    The need to be patient

    The expected moment requires patience.

    Whoever gets ahead, takes risks without first assessing the dangers and lacks patience usually gets more than one disappointment or disappointment.

    • We know that many times they recommend us that of “knowing how to take risks, being brave to leave our comfort zone”. Now, to take the step before you have to be prepared.
    • Without good self-esteem we cannot, for example, hope to find happiness in a partner, because then we will always be subject to what the other person does or does not do to feel good.
    • Nor can we aspire to a certain job if we do not first possess the necessary skills. If they reject us, it will be justified; Therefore, it is necessary to be patient and invest first in ourselves, in emotional maturity, in practical skills and in knowledge.

    Patience will be rewarded

    We know that sometimes we get tired of waiting for the good things, those we deserve, to make an appearance. Until that happens, we must not forget to trust ourselves and our abilities.

    We must keep fighting for our purposes and, in turn, be receptive for things to finally happen. Don’t give up before your time : always keep your eyes and heart open.

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