What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Water With Baking Soda Every Day?

There are numerous theories about the benefits of drinking water with baking soda. Natural medicine, for example, recommends this drink to alleviate all kinds of digestive ailments. Now, is its use scientifically proven?

As you well know, home remedies are passed down from generation to generation and although many people assure that their use is safe and “Proven”, in many cases there are no scientific studies to support its benefits.

For this reason, we will analyze below what it is and what the properties of this mineral are. Also, we’ll check to see if there really are any proven benefits to drinking bicarbonate of soda water. Grab a pencil and paper and take notes!

What is baking soda?

Natural baking soda, salt and vinegar bleach

Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3) is a chemical that has been used in various ways throughout history. It is frequently used in bakery, confectionery, and carbonated beverage production, as it has the ability to release carbon dioxide when used in conjunction with other compounds.

Also, it is part of the composition of several cleaning products due to its abrasive and deodorizing effect. It is commonly used for unclogging pipes, whitening floors and other related matters.

Beyond its uses in gastronomy and cleaning, it should be noted that it is used in Ayurveda Medicine. In fact, hundreds of years ago it was used to relieve digestive ailments, such as nausea and indigestion.

Properties of baking soda

The United States National Library of Medicine explains that baking soda is used as an antacid to relieve symptoms of heartburn and indigestion. This is because this substance would be able to neutralize the acid produced in excess by the stomach.

A clinical trial published in Trials in 2013 determined that consuming sodium bicarbonate on a regular basis could slow the progression of decreased kidney function in patients with this chronic disease. However, more studies in this regard would be necessary.

On the other hand, experts from the Augusta University Medical College of Georgia concluded that a daily dose of this substance could help reduce inflammation caused by diseases such as arthritis.

Finally, it is worth noting that some ancient studies indicated that sodium bicarbonate would have some antibacterial activity that would fight against germs such as Streptococcus mutans . However, the data on this is old and new research should be carried out to corroborate this information.

What is the use of drinking water with baking soda?

How To Consume Baking Soda To Fight Heartburn

Based on the scientific studies analyzed, it can be inferred that water with sodium bicarbonate could alleviate heartburn and discomfort caused by binges, in addition to improving the discomforts produced during the first months of pregnancy, for example.

On the other hand, it could be useful to combat the proliferation of bacteria in the body, not only in the oral cavity but also throughout the digestive tract.

However, before starting the intake of this home remedy, we advise you to consult with your doctor. Keep in mind that, despite being a natural substance, baking soda can cause allergies and side effects.

Is it safe to use?

Currently, opinions about the safety of using baking soda are controversial. For this reason, the best recommendation is to consult with your trusted doctor.

On the one hand, the article entitled “Association between sodium bicarbonate consumption and human health: A systematic review of the International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences” has found no evidence on the risks of its use.

However, Gemma del CaƱo, a pharmacist with a master’s degree in Innovation, biotechnology, safety and quality and co-author of the Guide to hoaxes in food , has dismantled the most common myths about the use that is given to this substance in an interview . These are summarized below:

  • Throat Infection Remedy: Although a traditionally recommended remedy, baking soda would be abrasive and could burn.
  • Homemade teeth whitener: its use could cause erosion of the enamel.
  • Detoxify hair: Baking soda can dry out and damage hair. 
  • Calm heartburn: consuming a glass of baking soda with water daily could promote the appearance of kidney stones. On the other hand, it could alter the pH of the stomach (instead of “regulating” it).

Miracle drinks don’t exist

While much is said today about the benefits of drinking beverages to improve health, miracle drinks do not exist. Actually, the best way to take care of the body is through a healthy life. This would imply having proper eating habits, doing regular exercise, and avoiding drug and alcohol use.

If you want to improve your lifestyle or have concerns about how to do it, it is best to consult your doctor. The professional can always guide you in the most appropriate way for your case.

On the other hand, if you suffer from a disease or are under pharmacological treatment and want to try some adjuvant treatment, do not hesitate to tell your doctor about it. Remember that remedies can cause interactions and cause adverse reactions.

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