Uses Of Cucumber For Fluid Retention

Edema or fluid retention is a recurring problem in our society. It occurs when body fluids accumulate outside the bloodstream in different areas under the skin and tissues.

The most visible symptom is usually swelling in this area, accompanied by pain or discomfort, and usually occurs in the legs, feet, abdomen, face, hands and arms. Although sometimes fluid retention and swelling occur throughout the body, called generalized edema.

The wide range of causes includes the body’s reaction to heat, high salt intake, and hormones related to the menstrual cycle. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor and, above all, not to self-medicate, since edema can be a symptom of serious diseases such as heart, kidney or liver.

Symptoms of fluid retention

Symptoms of fluid retention can include:

  • Swelling of the affected body parts
  • Affected body parts may hurt
  • Joints may feel stiff
  • Rapid weight gain in a few days or weeks
  • Unexplained weight fluctuations
  • When pressed, the skin may hold blood for a few seconds (pitting edema)
  • In other cases, the skin cannot bleed when pressed

The uses of cucumber for fluid retention

Cucumber alone can do little in cases of fluid retention. However, if you are on a plan to improve your circulation, combining physical exercise, a good low-salt diet, massage in problem areas and ingesting the necessary amount of water with cucumber, can help you achieve your goal and reduce the retention of liquids. 

If you are one of those people who find it difficult to drink water (a necessary element to reduce fluid retention) you will like this idea, since it is about flavoring the water with cucumber slices. You can substitute those energy drinks or soft drinks that do not help your body, and instead enjoy the cucumber, which provides practically no calories and many nutrients.

To prepare the water with cucumber you only need to include in your glass of warm water a couple of reddish cucumber with skin.

As soon as the cucumber enters the water, some of its nutrients enter it. Cucumbers have a low amount of calories and high water content, ideal components to end fluid retention. In this way, you can use the cucumber as the main ingredient to make a rich water.

Cucumber water is diuretic, and provides you with nutrients such as:

  • Vitamin C, which improves your immune system.
  • Vitamin K, needed to help blood clot.
  • Vitamins A and E that delay cellular aging.
  • Fiber, which improves our digestion and evacuation. Plus, fiber is satiating, so it helps you eat less on a weight loss diet.
  • Magnesium and potassium, necessary to control blood pressure.

You can use as much cucumber as you want, and more nutrients will receive your body. A good starting point would be to use a cucumber for every 2 liters of water a day.

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