Understand How Anti-wrinkle Creams Work

Aging of the skin is a problem that increasingly worries more and more people. The rise of anti-wrinkle creams tries to stop this deterioration. How do these products work?

Taking care of the skin, especially when fine lines begin to appear, is a red flag for many people. Given this, the first measure is usually to resort to different cosmetics. In this sense, do you know how wrinkle creams work?

The popularity of this type of product is obvious, as well as the publicity that is done to them. Their mission is to delay skin aging and prevent wrinkles from continuing to form in order to have smoother skin for longer.

However, despite all the information out there, little is often known about how wrinkle creams work. Therefore, today we suggest you learn more about this topic.

How do wrinkle creams work?

To understand how wrinkle creams work, it is important that we understand what their main functions are. Here are some of them.

  • They hydrate the skin : these types of creams hydrate and help skin regeneration, which slows down premature skin aging. In this way, your appearance is improved.
  • Repair the dermis : anti-wrinkle creams revitalize the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and increase its elasticity. They achieve this thanks to their high concentrations of collagen, which firm the tissue and help keep it smooth and soft, according to a study published by Ars Pharmaceutica .
  • They fight wrinkles : this action is due to the collagen mentioned above, which also helps to eliminate expression marks and stops skin atrophy.
  • Exfoliating action : anti-wrinkle creams help to remove dead cells, thus brightening the skin and improving the texture of the skin.

Main components of anti-wrinkle creams

"anti-aging" artificial skin to remove wrinkles and blemishes

As detailed in research published by Nutrition Reviews , proper skin hydration is vital for its elasticity and regeneration. This is essential so that it can look smooth and cared for. Likewise, exfoliation allows you to keep it free of imperfections and flaking.

If the first wrinkles have already started to appear and you want to choose one, you must take into account its composition. Also, remember that it is possible to use an anti-wrinkle cream before they appear, from youth, to prevent them.

In this sense, a study published by the Annals of Internal Medicine details that the use of sunscreen is also beneficial to “escape” the formation of wrinkles for longer.

Beyond all this, a WebMD publication also advises eating a healthy diet that contains antioxidants, as well as attending to certain external agents that will influence the appearance of wrinkles. Some aspects that you should pay attention to are the following:

  • Exposing the skin to the sun without protection.
  • Consume alcohol frequently.
  • Being an active smoker.
  • Not protecting the skin when it suffers from dryness due to cold.

Collagen and elastin

Two of the substances that are usually part of anti-wrinkle creams are collagen and elastin. Both are very important components in the structure of the skin, as they form a fibrous tissue that gives it flexibility and consistency, details an article in the MSD Manual.

Other ingredients that are often used in this type of cream are:

  • Antioxidants, which slow down cellular aging, as explained in an article published by Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery .
  • Various types of vitamins: For example, vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis, according to a recent study published by Nutrients .
  • Retinol
  • Hyaluronic acid, recommended for the treatment of certain types of dermatitis, according to research published by Dermatología Revista Mexicana .
  • Photoprotective substances.
  • Hydroxy acids that exert an exfoliating action.

Does your skin type influence the choice of cream?

Creams can erase wrinkles

A vital factor in choosing a cream is the skin type of each person. It is not the same that the skin tends to dry out or that it is naturally well hydrated. This decision should be based on the opinion of the dermatologist for each situation; in general, this criterion is followed:

  • If you have dry skin : you might be better off opting for an oily wrinkle cream. Don’t worry, the skin will absorb the cream.
  • If you have oily skin : in this case, a lighter cream, even a serum, may be preferable to avoid shine on the skin.

    Take care of the skin with good habits and anti-wrinkle creams

    Now that you know what type of wrinkle cream you need, you must apply it consistently for it to work. If you only use it occasionally, it may not provide the desired effects.

    As we mentioned before, it is possible to reduce wrinkles that have already appeared, although it is “easier” to delay their appearance. That is why the importance of prevention based on daily habits that improve the health of the dermis and the body in general is so emphasized.

    To conclude, it is recommended that, before the first wrinkles appear, you use a product to prevent them. Also, don’t forget to eat properly and avoid harmful habits, which can make any cream less effective.

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