Tips To Remove Anger In Minutes

For different reasons, there are times when anger can take over. And sometimes it is difficult to “come back to reality” and regain peace of mind. Therefore, in the following article we will tell you how to remove anger in minutes. Thus, you can continue with day-to-day activities with positivity and put discomfort aside.

Tips to remove anger

There is a key phrase: “for every minute you are angry, you will lose 60 seconds of happiness. This does not mean that you have to be cheerful all the time. In reality, it means that it is not worth dwelling on the discomfort and wasting all day ruminating and intensifying it.

A bad day at work, an argument with your partner, a traffic jam or misunderstanding with a friend or a concern of your own can cause anger. And in some cases, the anger doesn’t go away as quickly and makes you “bitter” the rest of the time.

It is normal for this to become just the beginning of a day full of irritable situations. Perhaps it is because you are more predisposed to them. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to remove anger as quickly as possible. Pay attention to the following tips.

1. Accept what you cannot change

What’s the use of being angry about a traffic jam on the freeway? Will you make cars go faster by cursing and thinking you are unlucky? Of course not. There are things in life that do not depend on you and, therefore, it is not possible to change them.

Man who has not been able to remove anger

The same is true when it comes to a problem with another person. It is true that you can change certain aspects of yourself, but it is not possible to modify others. Perhaps the best thing is to accept things as they are and that they do not affect you so much.

2. Take a deep breath to remove anger

This technique will help you to remove anger. Since it reduces the heartbeat and, at the same time, helps oxygenate the brain.

  • Take a deep breath to fill your lungs with air.
  • Hold it for a few seconds, then eject it as slowly as possible.
  • Also, close your eyes when practicing while trying to keep your mind clear.

As several researchers at the University of Atlanta affirm, deep breaths activate the parasympathetic nervous system ; which is considered a balancing and relaxing mechanism. Therefore, it will also help you avoid anger, a hurtful word, an expletive or throwing an object on the ground.

3. Question emotions

It may not be a good time to be critical of yourself, but it is a good idea to think about what things are causing you negative feelings. For example, if you know that traffic puts you in a bad mood, why not leave home earlier or take the subway?

Make anger rational and you will realize that it is a triviality that can be solved.

But if you let your emotions dominate you, you will become more and more angry, more frustrated. On the contrary, if you think “cold” about it, you will be able to identify it as something fleeting and everyday.

4. Ask for a “time out” to get rid of your anger.

Sometimes it happens that you are not able to think clearly due to anger. When you notice that you are becoming more and more irritable, it is best to step back, open the window to breathe some fresh air or take a walk in a park. Anything serves to divert attention from the problem.

In any case, the ideal is that you choose an activity that makes you think about something else. Read a little, listen to music, exercise,  watch an episode of your favorite series … Anything that serves to calm you down will be welcome.

5. Look for reassuring gestures

For example, during a couple fight, a good way to calm the situation is to give the other a hug.

Even, as an investigation endorsed in 2016 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology explains, a caress may be enough. This happens because the warmth or warmth of contact with the other brings you back to reality.

Woman reassuring another

Do the test. Ask your partner to give you a neck massage when you come home angry from the office. It is an excellent technique for fighting anger!

6. Control movements

Another way to remove anger is to maintain a calm posture. When anger rules, it is normal to yell, gesture, wave your arms, or walk from here to there. In this sense, make sure that the movements you make are slow so that the brain slows down.

It can also help you lower the tone of your voice. And you can try taking a seat and keeping your back upright to relax.

7. Avoid irritable situations to remove anger

If you are prone to getting angry, for example, in the office; there are techniques that can help you.

Screaming man

To do this, a good option is to  fill the desktop with green objects. This tone relaxes, gives the feeling of being surrounded by nature and peace. This way you will avoid reaching states of anger.

Anticipate to remove anger in time

On the other hand, we recommend that you “prevent rather than cure”. You more than anyone know in which moments or situations you get the most angry. Take advantage of that information to get away on time or, at least, to be prepared.

For example, if you know that the boss will ask you for something urgent on Friday at the last minute, that there will be an argument at home for being late or that it puts you in a bad mood to queue at the market; get ready for it. By anticipating the situation, you will reduce anger.

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