Tips To Give Volume To Your Lips

Each person has a volume and a lip shape, but over time they tend to lose volume and firmness, and not only cosmetic surgery or conventional cosmetic products can help us prevent it.

In this article we give you some simple, homemade and natural tips so that you get lips with more volume, firmness and color. In a few days you will notice how your lips look perfect and give a radiant and rejuvenated appearance to your face.

1. Relax and tone the lips

One of the reasons why lips get smaller or thinner over time is due to facial tension, particularly in our mouths. When we experience emotional tensions or moments of stress we tend to clench our jaw and mouth, and that in the long run contracts the muscles and gives our lips a finer appearance.

For this reason, the first step is to realize during the day if we have tight or relaxed lips. We can also spend a few minutes each day to relax them, doing the following exercise:

  • We will close our mouth and press our lips well, even putting them inside the mouth, and we will maintain this gesture for 5 or 10 seconds.
  • Then we will release the pressure, breathing deeply and sticking our lips out exaggeratedly.
  • We will repeat it ten times and we will do it two or three times each day.

2. Improve circulation

There is another exercise that will help us greatly improve circulation in the labial area, which will allow the blood to circulate well through the lips and make them look beautiful:

  • We will vibrate the lips by keeping them closed but without squeezing them, blowing lightly and pulling them outwards. We will notice that we make a continuous noise, like “brrrr”.

This is usually done by children as a game, but the truth is that doing about 20 or 30 seconds of this exercise will make our lips feel vibrant at the moment.

3. An occasional exfoliation


The lips also accumulate dead skin cells, just like any other area of ​​the body. But it is also a much more delicate skin that must be taken care of a lot. Therefore, we recommend doing an exfoliation but very occasionally. Every fortnight or once a month.

  • To make it we will use baking soda, which has a very fine texture. We will mix it with a little vegetable oil (olive, almond, coconut, etc.) and we will massage our lips and the contour of the mouth a little.
  • We will do it preferably before going to bed, to avoid having to go out with the reddened area.
  • Then we will clean with water and leave the oil remains overnight.

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4. Hydrate them often

The lips tend to dry out, and that makes their appearance noticeably worse. Especially if we use lipstick, but also if we often suffer from dry or cracked lips, we will attach great importance to this point.

We can hydrate them every morning and every night with a natural product. It can be a specific lipstick, but we can also simply use a vegetable oil or pure cocoa butter.

When we make a facial mask we can also nourish our lips with one of these foods:

  • Avocado
  • Yoghurt
  • Honey

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6. Learn to massage them

While we hydrate them we can take advantage of to massage them, to achieve the following benefits:

  • Enhance hydration in depth
  • Improve circulation
  • Relax the muscles of the labial area
  • Get more volume and color
  • Make them look bright and attractive

How do we massage our lips?

  • When our lips are well hydrated, we will cover our entire mouth with one hand and drag it horizontally to the external side, massaging not only the lips but the surrounding area, which also tends to have tension and where wrinkles usually appear.
  • Next we will do the same with the other hand.
  • We will repeat it 10 times with each hand.

To finish, if we have time, we recommend doing a massage all over the face, as this will improve the appearance of our entire face, the texture of the skin and will help us to prevent wrinkles in the most natural way.

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