Tips To Eat Healthy And Save Money

If your fear is how expensive it will be to buy products rich in proteins, vitamins, fibers and minerals on a daily basis, do not hesitate to follow these tips.

There are dissimilar myths in relation to healthy food. It is believed to be more expensive and difficult to prepare, and its taste is not attractive. But none of it is true. Do you want to learn to eat well without affecting your pocket? In this article we will give you several tips to achieve it.

Maintaining correct dietary habits is a fundamental pillar when it comes to enjoying a correct state of health. The adequacy of the diet is not always at odds with saving, you simply have to take into account a number of important considerations. If you choose the products and their cooking methods well, you will be able to carry an adequate diet plan adjusted to your pocket.

Tips to eat healthy and save money

The diet of the vast majority of people is often unbalanced. We believe that vitamin supplements will provide us with elements that we could incorporate by consuming the right foods.  If your fear is how expensive it will be to buy products rich in proteins, vitamins, fibers and minerals on a daily basis, do not hesitate to follow these tips.

Eat vegetarian once a week


Try to include at least one vegetarian- style dinner a week on your table  . Skip white or red meat and prefer vegetables. This way you will not only be saving money (meat is the most expensive part of meals), but you will also add vegetables and fruits, as a source of protein, vitamins, minerals and fibers to your diet. Your digestive system and your skin will show an immediate change.

Remember that increasing the consumption of vegetables is positively associated with a reduction in cardiovascular risk. This is stated by an investigation published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , where the role of phytochemicals on the prevention of pathologies is highlighted.

Minimize leftovers

If you want to save money on food, don’t throw away the leftovers. You can take advantage of them to prepare simple recipes with vegetables and seeds and take them to work the next day. One of the easiest recipes to make with leftovers is the vegetable  stir-fry  with pasta and baked tuna.

See also: Pasta with salmon and lemon sauce

Avoid fast food to eat healthier

It is true that this busy life sometimes does not give you time to prepare dinner. But how much money do you lose ordering products rich in sauce, salts and fat? If you wish, you can prepare your own pizza for much less money and less time.

Use salmon and vegetables to increase the supply of omega-3, proteins and vitamins important for metabolism. Keep in mind that from when you order the pizza until it arrives at your house it can take up to an hour (depending on the service) and you will have already had the opportunity to make up to four homemade pizzas.

Remember that avoiding fast and industrial food will reduce the amount of trans-fatty acids you eat on a daily basis. These nutrients are responsible for the increased incidence of many complex pathologies, as stated in a study published in the journal Cardiology .

Bring food to work and save money

Instead of choosing the big brands, opt for the ones that are not renowned, as long as they have similar characteristics. Pay close attention to the components and sizes of the products. Compare the prices, even if it takes you longer to go to the market. A healthy diet is made up of healthy proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Choose oatmeal, brown rice, oily fish (salmon or sardine), lentils,  chickpeas ,  beans, and olive or canola oil.

Buy only seasonal fruits and vegetables (and if possible local)

A few decades ago there were no tomatoes or strawberries available all year round, since they are fruits that are only harvested at a specific time. Why now if we find them in any month?

First, because a lot of food is sold that has been refrigerated after harvest to be able to sell it in another season. Second, because you can get imported products from another hemisphere. And third, because the  transgenic s  (genetically modified foods) are not affected with the trust or hot flashes.

We recommend, then, buy vegetables in season. This way you will avoid the high prices and the chemical products associated with these products: in winter orange, apple, leafy vegetables; in spring, carrot, grape, strawberries; in summer potato, peach and  tomato  and in autumn pear, melon and broccoli.

Eating healthy and saving money is possible

If you follow the advice we have provided you will realize that planning a healthy diet does not have to be expensive. In this way, we recommend that you stop every week to analyze your menu, to minimize the consumption of processed and industrial foods.

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