This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Consuming Sugar And Alcohol For A Month

It has long been known that excessive consumption of added sugars and alcohol has a direct influence on physical and emotional health.

But, despite all the warnings that health institutions have made so that people are aware of how great is the damage they do to their body when ingesting these types of substances, there are many who still do not control their consumption, ignoring the serious consequences that can develop in the medium and long term.

To demonstrate once again how healthy eating can lead to positive changes in health, the producer LifeHunters conducted an experiment called Guy Gives up added sugar and alcohol , for 1 month  (Chico leaving the added sugar and alcohol for a month ), in which it shows everything that happens in just 30 days by quitting these bad habits.

The final result was published through a six-minute video on YouTube, which has gone viral on social networks and various media.

The experiment: no alcohol and no sugar


The protagonist of this experiment is a Dutchman named Sacha Harland, who made the decision to meet a 30-day challenge by eating healthy, that is, leaving aside all kinds of alcoholic beverages and added sugars.

Although Sacha did not need to lose weight or adopt a special eating plan, she was curious to know what would happen to her body when she stopped ingesting these two substances that used to be regular in her diet.

Before starting the challenge, her sports doctor Jessica Gal did several blood pressure tests, a blood test and an EKG, which allowed her to know in advance that her cholesterol levels were elevated (at 460 mg / dl).

With all the previous data ready, the young man armed himself with will and began this process that he knew would be difficult to complete.

Since the goal was to completely eliminate alcohol, sugar, and fast food, Sacha had to devise a very different eating plan than she was used to.

This included removing those foods classified under the letter E, that is, the additives and preservatives present in sauces, iced tea, tandoori sauce and many other foods.

To replace them, the new diet plan included organic foods such as fruits, vegetables, yogurts, eggs or water, among others.

In the first 4 days, our protagonist could realize that achieving the goal was not going to be easy, especially since anxiety attacked him.

I’ve just started and I’m already hungry all the time, ”he  said.

But, in addition, he confessed feeling tired, bad mood and irritability, which is normal, since the body was just assimilating the fact of not receiving sugar.

As time went by, the task of getting to complete the 30 days seemed more difficult. He even had to overcome the anxiety of consuming fast food, while his friends did.

[video-youtube id = wyeor3z9EdQ]

And he achieve it!

Man stops sugar and alcohol

In the last week, exactly on the 25th, Sacha confessed that for the first time she had not gotten up with the desire to eat sweets and, in fact, she claimed to be easier to get up and with better energy.

Finally, he underwent medical tests again, finding significant changes in his body, such as a significant reduction in cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and the loss of four kilos.

After all this experience, Sacha confessed to her brother that she would like to continue eating in a healthy way, not so strictly, but being aware of the dangers of excesses.

The key is to learn to be moderate

Although the ideal is to eliminate added sugars, alcohol and all fast food from the diet, it is worth mentioning that consuming them occasionally does not represent a health risk.

The important thing is to prevent an addiction from becoming a habit. To enjoy all the benefits of a healthy diet, it should be based on:

  • Fruit.
  • Vegetables.
  • Essential fatty acids.
  • Fiber.
  • Water.
  • Cereals.

The idea of ​​all this is to demonstrate once again how diet influences the state of the body and all that can be achieved when substances that can cause alterations are put aside.

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