This Happens With Cholesterol If You Eat An Avocado A Day

Many people are concerned about their cholesterol levels. This lipid present in the blood it can accumulate in large quantities and give rise to various cardiovascular problems that put health at risk. Now, did you know that eating an avocado a day could improve blood cholesterol levels?

The National Library of Medicine of the United States points out that cholesterol plays a fundamental role since the body needs it to produce substances that allow us to digest food, as well as to generate hormones and vitamin D. The problem appears when its levels increase too much.

One of the most worrying things is that, as with other types of diseases, it can be a bit difficult to detect at first due to the lack of specific symptoms.

The good news is that, thanks to various research, it is now known that changes in diet and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle can be the best solution to keep it under control and reduce the risks it represents.

In this regard, research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association revealed that consuming an avocado a day could keep bad cholesterol levels at bay in people who are overweight or obese.

Cholesterol and avocado: the research


The proposal of the researchers from  Pennsylvania State University  (United States) consisted of replacing the saturated fatty acids, present in most diets, with the unsaturated ones that avocados contain.

They also took into account that, for some years now, it is advisable to consume monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases due to high cholesterol.

Experts point out that saturated fats raise the levels of this lipid in the blood and increase the danger of arterial blockage and the appearance of serious diseases such as heart attack or stroke.

Specifically, the researchers evaluated the effects of avocado on cardiovascular risk factors. It is worth noting that this is one of the fruits with the highest amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, according to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation.

In this way, they replaced saturated fat in the diet of 45 healthy, overweight and obese patients, aged between 21 and 70 years.

The volunteers began by eating a diet high in saturated fat for two weeks. Subsequently, they carried out three types of diets, reducing the amount of saturated ones:

  • A low fat without avocado.
  • Another moderate in fat without avocado.
  • A moderate fat diet, but with the intake of an avocado daily.

    An avocado a day would improve cholesterol levels


    At the end of the analysis period, the scientists determined that LDL cholesterol levels were lowered by incorporating an avocado a day into the diet.

    In total, a reduction of 13.5 mg / dl was found compared to the 8.3 mg / dl lost on the moderate-fat diet without avocado, or 7.4 mg / dl on the low-fat diet. In addition, its intake was also found to have a positive effect on the control of total cholesterol and triglycerides.

    Study conclusions

    After knowing the results, the researchers emphasized remembering that more research is required to determine if their effects are the same in other populations.

    Despite this, the conclusions suggest that the unsaturated fats in avocados could lead to a heart-healthy diet, obviously if supported by foods with high nutritional value.

    The healthy fats, micronutrients and bioactive components they contain would be responsible for these important benefits for the cardiovascular system.

    Regarding this, Penny Kris Etherton, one of the researchers, said that she would like to continue research to examine more accurately the bioactive compounds in avocados and their effects on the body.

    Regulate cholesterol levels with an avocado a day

    an avocado a day

    Although for many years they had a bad reputation for their caloric intake and high fat content, today the story has changed. Avocados are considered one of the most complete and healthy foods. For this reason, it is recommended to incorporate them daily in the diet, always in moderate amounts.

    In addition to the beneficial fats already mentioned, this popular fruit also provides fiber, vitamin E, B vitamins, folic acid and more than twice the potassium of bananas.

    Are you afraid of high cholesterol? Consult with your doctor about the possibility of making some modifications to your diet. Including a piece of avocado a day in your diet could help you keep cholesterol at bay.

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