The Use Of Rice In Home Cosmetics

Rice has been used, for years, by the aesthetic industry in various presentations. The benefits of rice for the skin are multiple : from treating eczema, skin lesions, lightening dark spots, among others. Discover here the use of rice in home cosmetics.

Ideal against constipation

A well-known use of rice is digestive. Rice is also used to relieve constipation problems, as it helps with bowel movement.

How to use?

We will add rice water to a freshly made drink, such as fruit smoothies.

The use of rice in homemade cosmetics

It is dangerous to eat rice

Among the modalities for cosmetics, you can find:

  • Rice water : as a component for masks and lightening creams.
  • Rice powder : for its antioxidant effects and ability to illuminate and equalize skin tone.

Next, we will see how to prepare rice in home cosmetics and its benefits for proper skin care:

Rice water is used in hair cosmetics, since its proteins notably increase the elasticity of the hair, reinforcing the hair fiber. This prevents breakage, adds volume, and improves the look of split ends.

How do you prepare?

You need 4 cups of mineral water and half a cup of rice. You have to place it in a pot with water and when it starts to boil, add half a cup of rice. Let simmer for 20 minutes.

It is important to strain the rice, place it in a glass container and leave it in the fridge.

How is it applied to the hair?

First, you must have clean hair, therefore, it must be washed before applying this mixture. It is placed on the hair and allowed to act for a few minutes. Finally, it is rinsed off with a little water.

Use as an exfoliator

Besides being very good for constipation, rice in homemade cosmetics is used as an exfoliant. Phytic acid activates blood circulation and stimulates cell renewal.

How do you prepare?

You need 2 teaspoons of rice flour, 1 of cinnamon powder, and 30 drops of wheat germ oil.

To make the facial mask you will need two teaspoons of rice flour in 4 of rose water.

How does it apply?

The mixture obtained should be placed over the entire face, let it act for 10 minutes and should be washed with plenty of water.

Rice proteins have a nourishing, regenerating and protective effect against external agents.

An effective anti-aging mask

The healthiest way to eat rice

A rejuvenating mask can be prepared as follows:

Half a banana should be crushed with 2 teaspoons of rice flour and 1 egg.

How does it apply?

The ingredients are mixed and placed on the face, let it act for ten minutes. Thus, you will get a smooth and shiny skin. It is a very simple recipe with rice in home cosmetics.

Rice water for skin

Rice water works to lighten the skin, as it contains vitamins, minerals, and  antioxidant agents. These can help lighten dark spots and erase wrinkles from aging.

To prepare this mixture you only need rice water and a little sugar. It is necessary to mix and rub in the areas of interest. Its exfoliating properties   clean impurities and wash away dead skin cells.

Among the benefits of rice water, it can be noted that it works as a toner that helps keep skin smooth and glowing.  In addition, it is used to cure acne.

How do you prepare?

Rice should be boiled until soft and ready to eat. In fact, it is possible to use the steam from cooking rice to open pores and cleanse impurities from the skin.

How does it apply?

When the rice is ready, we will strain and use the water on the skin; after 15 minutes we will proceed to rinse. Rice is applied as a lotion, cream and conditioner .

A muscle tonic

Take rice and add antioxidants

In addition to the benefits of rice in homemade cosmetics, it has properties that provide the body with 8 essential amino acids that participate in muscle regeneration.

Also, it provides a small amount of carbohydrates, which makes it a source of energy, vitality and cell regeneration.

How to use it?

To benefit from these nutrients, we will consume  a glass of rice water daily and, if you are an athlete, its consumption should be 30 minutes before practice.

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