The Need To Spend Time With The Family

The need to spend time with the family is born from the desire to share enriching experiences with the people you love. These moments are the ideal ones to create bonds that last over time and allow you to overcome adversity.

The family is a group of people linked by kinship or affinity who live together in a certain place. There you learn about principles and values ​​to integrate properly into society.

It is good to plan to enjoy the company of the family every time you have a free moment. Playing or talking are simple activities that can be done in a short space of time and will increase trust and harmony at home.

According to this work published in Child Indicators Research , good relationships with family and friends have been found to be critical to children’s well-being.

Unfortunately, at present, the family is in the process of dissolution. Not only because of the attack by certain groups, but because of the current rhythm of life, which drives us to be more atomistic, material consumers and hedonists.

On the other hand, the role of the elderly has been underestimated. They are an inexhaustible source of knowledge and love. In Africa there is a saying that goes: “When an older person disappears, it is as if an entire library is burned . This reality is all the greater when we are united to that person by consanguinity and great emotional ties.

The importance of spending time with the family

At present, certain customs have been lost, such as enjoying with the family, especially due to the accelerated pace of life. Hence, it is important to rescue the value of spending more time with your loved ones.

Some suggested activities for sharing include watching movies, having dinner, or having breakfast together on Sundays, among others. This time is important for the emotional and psychological development of each of the members of the family nucleus.

In addition, with each meeting you will see that happiness, peace and harmony grow in your home. All members will feel loved and important, which helps reinforce a positive image.

Take advantage of these moments to listen and give advice when each one shares their projects. This will motivate all members to plan another meeting.

Enjoy time with your children

Sharing family time is essential in the education of children. The occasions in which you enjoy the company of your children must be of quality, and respect, tolerance and discipline must always be maintained. Showing signs of affection towards them will also further strengthen the bonds of home.

Also, your children will discover the important place they occupy in the lives of their parents. This reinforces the positive image of themselves, which increases their self-esteem.

Activities to share family time

Family playing in the field.

The obligations and demands of modern life have made the number of households that do not have time to enjoy their best moments continues to grow every day. Therefore, we mention some activities to share as a family, without affecting your routine.

1. Prepare food together and eat as a family

The preparation of simple dishes, such as a cake or simply a juice, is ideal to share pleasant moments. Eating together what you have prepared can become a wonderful experience.

Also, it is convenient that you plan, at least once a week, a meal to be together at the table. It could be Sunday breakfasts, for example.

This study published in Acta Pediátrica Española also points out that eating as a family promotes healthy eating habits, improves communication skills and reduces risk behaviors, such as drug or alcohol consumption.

2. Carry out household chores

Form a team with all the members of the household to carry out the tasks of the house. Assign the tasks according to the age of each of the members so that they can perform them easily and quickly.

  • With these types of activities, you begin to encourage compliance with rules, discipline and love at home.
  • Chores around the house can be fun if you can guide them properly.
  • Recognize with praise the work of each member, especially the youngest. Show them the satisfaction of verifying the results obtained.

3. Support in educational activities

At present, there is the possibility of hiring people to give support in directed classes and guide the children to do their homework. However, it is suggested that parents help them with their homework.

When children are guided in this way, they feel more motivated to fulfill academic obligations. In cases where adults continue to study or participate in a course, it is convenient to establish a time for them to meet to do assignments together.

On the need to spend time with the family

To meet the needs of understanding and love at home, it is essential to share family time. This is fundamental for the education of the children, since the behavior of the parents is the model.

Keep in mind that the best way to get to know each of the family members, in all their aspects, is by spending time together.

Finally, don’t let obligations, work, and modern life separate you from your family. It is important to remember that when the couple decides to start a home, they must bear in mind that sharing time as a family will help them to strengthen the union and to establish solid foundations where their children will grow up.

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