The First Steps To Meditation

The mind is a vast and energetic territory. By meditating, we are able to explore its corners and achieve balance.

To meditate, the first thing you need is willingness. It is difficult for a person who is unwilling to meditate to concentrate and obtain the desired results. Do you want to discover the steps to meditate?

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The meditation

Our mind is powerful. So much so that it is able to function steadily, without pause. It carries out so many processes in such a short period of time that we hardly even notice it. Many times, the mind also plays tricks on us.

Meditation comes in these moments to silence it and find inner stillness and fulfillment. It is not reserved for a few and the key is to start practicing it, to start the journey.

To meditate it is necessary to take small steps. Slowly. In this way energy changes can be visualized. Talking about meditation connects us many times with isolated places and robes, loneliness and capacity of a few. It is not like this.

Learning to meditate is the art of emptying our mind of constant thoughts and finding the inner silence that gives rise to our deepest being. It is preparing ourselves for a pleasant and well-being sensation.

Are you ready to discover the steps to meditate?

Can we all meditate?


The answer is a resounding yes. What’s more, there is no way to think about meditation. To understand it, you have to practice it.

And it is not difficult, but perseverance is needed, because the results are not immediate. At least if we talk about deep changes that act within us, renewing, calming, transforming.

To do this, you have to see what are the first steps to meditate. Let us remember that it is a practice  closely related to experience and it is useless to know the theory if it is not practiced.

The steps to meditate

1. Time and place

We will choose a quiet place and a convenient time: this is essential at the beginning. Avoid external distractions, such as noise, as this calms the mind.

Once we find the right time and place, we have to give it continuity. This creates a habit. The first of the steps to meditate is perseverance.

To meditate, the ideal is to take advantage of the first hours of the morning. At that time we are not yet contaminated with stimuli from outside.

2. The body

How to meditate at home

To meditate it is necessary to have a good posture, this guarantees us comfort. Therefore, we will sit in an upright position: it can be seated in a chair or with the legs crossed.

The idea is that the body rests, is comfortable and in a different position than when sleeping.

We will keep our backs straight and our palms on our legs, with our eyes closed. Then, we will relax and let go of each part of your body. Stillness is necessary.

From this point on, we will focus on breathing. Being aware of our own inhalations and exhalations makes the thoughts focus there, calming the train of thoughts.

We will breathe normally through the nose and maintain the concentration in the oxygen that is passing through the body.

At this point, we will be meditating. We will not try to think if we are breathing well, or how we are carrying out meditation. The same process will guide us.

Remember that meditation is a form of self-knowledge that develops progressively. Not a practice that can be evaluated in terms of doing it right or wrong.

3. Choose a mat

After internalizing the breath,  a mantra can be chosen. That is to say, a word, phrase, sound or image, that we repeat continuously while we meditate. In other words, the focus is on what we select as a mantra.

Ideally, it is a mantra that makes us feel good. It can refer to the spiritual or personal help plane and you can repeat it aloud or silently.

Summary of the steps to meditate

What we need to meditate is:

  1. Provision.
  2. A suitable place.
  3. A quiet moment.
  4. Good posture, with a straight back.
  5. Close the eyes.
  6. Relax the body.
  7. Concentration on the breath.
  8. Repetition of the mantra.

In principle, to meditate, you only need a moment and make sure that it is profitable. In other words, there are 20 minute meditations that are useless if they are not of quality. Instead, a 5 minute meditation can be very helpful.

To meditate, at first, you don’t have to worry about time. Setting the duration of a meditation stresses the person and hinders the relaxation process.

Calming the mind: a challenge

Tips to calm your mind

This can be the most difficult and time-consuming task. The mantra and regular breathing will help you to experience the present and feel inner stillness.

But it is important to note that depth is achieved over time and that thoughts and stimuli always flutter during meditation.

Distractions: what to do with them

First of all, don’t be discouraged. It is important that impatience does not prevail when thoughts appear that interrupt the rhythm of inner peace.

It is normal that at first we think about many things and it is difficult for us to stop the thread of ideas. In this sense, it is best not to put up resistance, better accept them and let them go.

The continuation to meditate

Beyond concentration and relaxation, meditation allows us to overcome reason and the mind, to quiet it and thus free ourselves from the pressures that limit us.

To meditate, you don’t have to look for extraordinary states of consciousness, but something more important: a balance and inner tranquility that is transmitted to all areas of our life.

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