The Contributions Of Cherries To Health

Cherries provide us with nutritional benefits and are also low in calories. They are one of the fruits with the most antioxidants that can be found.

Learn a little more about the benefits of cherries in the following article. We will explain why it is advisable for them to appear regularly in the diet.

Cherries, rich in antioxidants

The purple color of cherries is due to anthocyanins. These substances are antioxidants and therefore, according to different studies, they would be capable of neutralizing the free radicals responsible for degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.

In turn, they would help prevent heart complications, protecting the heart and promoting blood circulation. However, more studies in this regard are necessary.

On the other hand, the cherry contains vitamin C and amino acids. These would participate in the synthesis of collagen, which is why it is considered that they would help prevent skin aging and take care of hair and nails.

Cherry, ally in cleansing diets

Cherries may help relieve fluid retention, according to a study published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases. This is due to its content of potassium, a compound used in cleansing diets.

The cherry, for stronger bones
Box of fresh cherries

The aforementioned benefits are among the most important. Nevertheless, they are not the only ones. Here are other benefits of cherries, according to a study of their properties carried out in 2018:

  • They are a source of melatonin. This hormone is related to sleep cycles. Thus, cherries could help those who suffer from insomnia or chronic fatigue.
  • They also contain beta-carotene or vitamin A. This vitamin would be beneficial for our visual health.
  • They would be good for digestive health, as they are a source of fiber.
  • Cherries would have anti-inflammatory properties . Its consumption could be beneficial in inflammatory diseases.
  • They would help remove uric acid from the blood due to a specific type of antioxidants: hydroxycinnamates. An investigation of the Journal of Nutrition , found that eating two portions of sweet cherries (280 grams), reduced significantly uric acid 5 hours after consumption.
  • They would be recommended in patients with hypertension due to their potassium content. In addition, it should be noted that they also provide anthocyanins, flavanols and catechins, which would improve heart health.

How to introduce cherries into the diet?

When introducing cherries into the diet, it is important to take into account a number of considerations. In the first place, it is optimal that these are consumed raw, unprocessed. Otherwise, the fibers that compose them would be destroyed, thus increasing their effects on blood glucose. In this sense, it is important to avoid its intake in syrup.

On the other hand, it is optimal to consume these foods after the main meals. Thus, the contribution of proteins, fats and fiber generated by the rest of the foods will help to delay gastric emptying. This reduces the effects of fructose in cherries on blood glucose levels. It achieves less pancreatic stress and safeguards metabolic health.

Keep in mind that excessive fruit consumption is also not considered beneficial. These foods have to be introduced into the diet in its proper measure. The optimal thing is that two servings of them appear in the daily diet.

Include cherries in the diet to take advantage of its benefits

Now that you have seen all the benefits of cherries, do not hesitate to include them in your diet. You can do it in many ways, eating them fresh or also in homemade desserts.

However, remember that any food in excess can turn out to be bad. Therefore, always include them in a balanced diet plan. We recommend consulting with a nutritionist or health specialist if you need one.

Images courtesy of Benson Kua, jayneandd, Ed Ivanushkin, liz west, bm.iphone, penreyes, and AnneCN.

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