The Benefits Of A Daily 20 Minute Walk

We already know the benefits of doing a little sport a day. Exercising the body with some physical activity improves health and saves weight. Now we will talk about the benefits of a daily walk of just 20 minutes.

Including a short walk in the routine can provide a real improvement in the quality of life. Especially if we are used to leading a sedentary life. Therefore, it is worth putting it into practice. We explain why.

The benefits of a walk of only 20 minutes

It is ideal to do it in the morning or in the afternoon, when the sun is not very intense and it is more pleasant to go outside. A daily walk of 20 minutes is something very easy to put into practice,  either alone or in the company of whoever you want.

1. Increased cognitive functions

Woman reading a book lying down

One of the benefits of a daily walk is the improvement of cognitive functions. According to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health , both motor and cognitive processes are related at a functional level. In fact, some of them even take place in the same areas of the brain.

Therefore, motor processes, such as walking, can contribute to improving cognitive functions. In fact, many rehabilitation therapies for people with Alzheimer’s, for example, include physical exercise.

In this way, walking just 20 minutes a day can help us boost the cognitive system. In addition, going out for a walk puts us in contact with nature or the city, thus activating the heart and brain. Few things are so rewarding.

2. Improved mood

People who go through periods of depression or sadness tend to prefer scenarios with low stimulation: low light, little sound and social contact. Going for a walk is an act of improvement and contact with the world.

Exercise is recommended to combat the symptoms of depression. If you are not feeling very well, you can start exercising with a few daily walks.

Of course, you should also visit a professional who can help you understand what is happening to you. Physical exercise will help you as long as you combine it with a treatment, not on its own.

Walking, breathing deeply and starting the heart at a rhythmic rhythm is a relaxing act for the brain. It is precisely in this state of well-being that thoughts begin to relativize.

In fact, exercise is also recommended to relieve stress and anxiety. And, when we do sports, we release endorphins (well-being hormones), which help us feel comfortable and happy.

If we acquire the healthy habit of taking a daily walk, we will be filling ourselves with positive emotions capable of coping with the negative ones.

3. Simple way to take care of your heart

Hands forming a heart at sunset.

Another benefit of a daily walk is taking care of your cardiovascular health. And it is that walking is an aerobic exercise that can help us increase the strength of the heart and thus its ability to pump blood. In this way, the oxygen reaches the organs more better and we will also feel better.

Walking can be the first step in preventing cardiovascular disease. And it doesn’t matter how old you are: the sooner you put it into practice, the sooner you can prevent many of those ailments that sometimes come from a family history.

More benefits of a daily walk

  • Another benefit of a daily walk is the strengthening of the skeletal system. In fact, there are numerous studies that recommend physical exercise in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
  • It also helps prevent the onset of diabetes, as it can help balance blood sugar levels.
  • Walking also favors intestinal transit, which can help us avoid the classic constipation. In fact, some research associates the regular practice of exercise with the improvement of the intestinal flora.
  • Regular walking also strengthens the legs. Women are precisely the ones who suffer the most from circulation problems, varicose veins, and knee wear. A walk every day can help us to improve and strengthen the muscles and bones of the legs, preventing many of these discomforts.

Tips for starting the hikes

Woman walking on the street.

It is never too late to start, we assure you. It does not matter if you are not used to doing any exercise: a simple daily walk is always easy to comply with. It is enough just to find that moment: 20 minutes in which to disconnect from everything and relax.

  • Put on good shoes that hold your feet, and dress in comfortable clothing.
  • Take a bottle of water to hydrate yourself.
  • You should always start at a leisurely pace, and then accelerate a bit, but without running. Light walk for 15 minutes, to finish with another 5 in a more relaxed way.
  • The ideal would be to do about 2 kilometers a day.

If you gradually acquire this habit, you will be taking care of your health in a way that is as rewarding as it is simple. In addition, for greater benefits, we recommend that you complement the walks with a healthy diet, plenty of water and adequate rest every day. Shall we start walking today?

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