The 7 Best Breakfasts Before Practicing Sports

If we are going to practice some kind of demanding activity, our breakfasts must provide us with all the nutrients and energy necessary to be able to fulfill our objective

Breakfasts are essential in a balanced diet, especially if we are going to practice sports or we are going to have an important performance during the day.

In this article, we share the 7 best pre-workout breakfasts. You will see how they help you to fill you with energy and vitality!

The importance of breakfasts

Many people skip breakfast due to lack of appetite, lack of time, laziness or a wrong idea of ​​wanting to lose weight. However, this meal is the most important of the day, as it helps us start the day with energy, vitality and a good mood.

Plus, eating a good breakfast actually helps you lose weight. This is due to the fact that it avoids the subsequent snacking, when we usually consume not so healthy products. Did you know?

Breakfasts before practicing sports

Here are some ideas to eat for breakfast if you are going to play sports afterwards. Take note!

1. Banana smoothie

Smoothies are healthy and delicious breakfasts that allow us to add nutrients to our drink almost without realizing it. They are usually made with fruits and some vegetables (celery, beets, spinach, etc.), coconut oil, maca, cinnamon or ginger.

  • Banana is an excellent fruit as the main ingredient in our smoothie, as it is sweet and creamy.
  • It combines well with all types of fruits and provides us with vitamin B6 and minerals such as potassium and magnesium.
  • It is a very energetic food; the banana smoothie is one of the best breakfasts for before practicing sports.

2. Granola

Granola is a healthy and energetic alternative to breakfast cereals. It is made with toasted oats, seeds, nuts, dehydrated fruits and honey, in most cases.

  • The result is a crunchy and delicious food that we can combine with any milk or vegetable drink.
  • Its ingredients are also a great source of energy for athletes. 

We can buy the granola or make it at home. We should make sure that it does not contain sugars or hydrogenated fats. 

3. Whole wheat toast with avocado

Wholemeal toast with avocado

If we are lovers of bread, we recommend opting for one that is whole wheat or made from seeds. Today, we can find oat breads, kamut, rye, spelled, buckwheat, etc.

  • The best accompaniment to our toasts is avocado,  a food rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, essential fatty acids and fiber.
  • We can add it to pieces or beat it in the form of a cream with some seasonings to our liking (olive oil, coconut oil, vinegar, lemon, cayenne pepper, garlic, etc.).

    4. Coffee with ghee

    It is not advisable to practice sports on an empty stomach. However, there are people who usually do. For these cases, or for when the exercise is light, we can prepare a nutritious coffee with ghee  as a coffee with milk.

    The ghee is a clarified, free butter harmful substances such as toxins, hormones, lactose, etc. Instead, its flavor is very concentrated and contains a large amount of vitamins.


    • 1 cup of coffee (100 ml).
    • 1 tablespoon of ghee (20 g).
    • Stevia or honey (to taste).

    What should you do?

    • You just have to beat the coffee with the ghee and sweeten it to taste. We can take it hot or cold.

    5. Tortilla sandwich

    Bran bread contains healthy carbohydrates

    For people with traditional tastes, with a preference for sandwiches, we recommend choosing a good whole wheat bread and egg as a source of protein and healthy fat.

    • We can prepare the bread in the Catalan way, smearing tomato on the slices and dressing it with olive oil.
    • The egg is a source of vitamins A, B, D and E, and minerals, such as phosphorus, iron, potassium or magnesium.

    The tortilla sandwich is therefore an ideal food to include in our breakfasts before practicing sports.

    6. Chickpea pancakes

    Chickpea flour offers multiple options to eat legumes for breakfast without realizing it. Chickpea is rich in protein, carbohydrates, and fiber, as well as vitamins A, B6, C, E, and K, and calcium, zinc, potassium, and phosphorus, among other minerals.

    • With chickpea flour we can prepare different recipes in the same way as we would with wheat flour.

    7. Oatmeal waffles

    4 essential oatmeal recipes

    Do you like waffles? If the answer is yes, but you resist because they are not too healthy, we recommend that you try some waffles made with oatmeal. The ideal is to make them in a special device, a waffle iron. However, they can also be prepared in a sandwich maker or in the same pan. 

    • Oatmeal is an ideal cereal for before doing sports, since it gives us a lot of energy without overstimulating the body. 

    As you can see, the best breakfasts for before playing sports are extremely energetic and have many nutrients, perfect for the body to prepare itself to give its best performance.

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