The 6 Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

Sodium bicarbonate can help us regulate the pH levels of the body, which would allow us to relieve acid reflux. What other natural solutions can we use in these cases?

Acid reflux is a very common health problem today; it is also known as gastroesophageal reflux or peptic ulcer disease. This problem occurs when stomach acids are returned to the throat, causing a burning sensation. We present you some home remedies for acid reflux.

People who suffer from this problem also often experience other unpleasant effects in different areas of their body. Heartburn and heartburn may also cause sleep disturbances and snoring.

On the other hand, it can also lead to asthma, dyspepsia, bad breath, inflammation of the esophagus, ulcer formation and, in the most severe cases, it can even lead to esophageal cancer.

It is very important to change your eating habits to effectively combat acid reflux and its symptoms. The consumption of processed foods should be reduced to the maximum, as well as the excess of sugars, refined ones, caffeine, alcohol and fats, among others.

Instead of all these, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, especially those that are rich in fiber.

Home remedies for acid reflux

If this ailment affects you often and generates several of the aforementioned discomforts, perhaps one of the following home remedies for acid reflux can help you.

Remember, in any case, that consultation with your doctor is essential when faced with this or any other digestive system condition. Also, keep in mind that none of these home remedies can replace the treatment indicated by the professional.

1. Aloe vera juice

aloe vera

Aloe vera juice has multiple health-promoting properties in many ways. One of its benefits is its anti-inflammatory power, which can help reduce the symptoms of acid reflux, as this study confirms.

For this, it is usually recommended to drink aloe juice before meals. However, ask your doctor about its mode and frequency of use.

It is important to note that this juice has a laxative effect ; therefore, it may not be recommended for certain people.

2. Pure apple cider vinegar

Pure apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular home remedies for acid reflux. Traditional recipes indicate diluting a tablespoon of pure apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water and drinking it at the first symptom you notice. Certain research claims that it is a positive remedy for sensitive stomachs.

3. Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is a very inexpensive ingredient, popularly recommended to regulate the body’s pH levels. This benefit also makes it a possible remedy for relieving reflux, although scientific studies reveal that it is no more effective than common medications such as omeprazole.

According to popular beliefs, to take advantage of the benefits of this element, it is enough to dilute a teaspoon of the product in a large glass of water and drink it. Consult with your doctor before ingesting it.

4. Licorice

Licorice acts as a protective gel, as it creates a film on the stomach. For this reason, it is ideal for reducing and preventing the annoying symptoms of acid reflux, and this is confirmed by studies. For this, it is recommended to consume it in the form of tea or extract.

5. Ginger


Ginger root is popularly said to have a gastroprotective effect as it blocks acid and suppresses Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

To alleviate acid reflux problems, it may be enough to prepare a tea with a teaspoon of fresh ginger and a cup of boiling water. It is allowed to rest for 5 minutes and is consumed before each meal.

6. Glutamine

Glutamine is an amino acid that studies have shown can treat gastrointestinal damage caused by H. pylori . Although the body produces it naturally, it can also be obtained through the consumption of foods such as beef, chicken and fish, eggs, dairy products.

It is also found in some fruits and vegetables such as parsley or spinach, among others. Glutamine has an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces abdominal bloating with reflux.

Other Important Tips to Fight Acid Reflux

In addition to trying some of the previous home remedies, it is very important to attend to some key recommendations to combat this problem:

  • Take the time to eat well and chew your food properly so that there is no bloating or pressure in your stomach.
  • The last meal of the day should be light  and should be consumed at least 3 hours before going to bed.
  • Avoid irritating and acidic foods that can cause acid reflux as much as possible.
  • When you start eating, don’t start with starchy foods. Ideally, start with vegetables or meat and leave potatoes or bread for last.
  • If you suffer from obesity, it is very important that you start looking for options to lose weight ; Being overweight makes it difficult for the lower esophageal sphincter to stay closed, causing acid reflux.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages as much as possible;  they are irritating and favor the appearance of acid reflux.

Ultimately, reflux is as annoying and irritating a condition as it is preventable. With the incorporation of healthy habits and a good diet, we will have already done a large part of the process. If it still occurs, you can resort to these home remedies for acid reflux, of course.

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