The 6 Best Exercises To Calm Neck Pain

Although these exercises are quite effective to calm neck pain, care must be taken when carrying them out and adapt them to the possibilities of each person .

Neck pain is a common symptom in many people. It usually occurs when muscles contract due to poor posture, physical overexertion, or injury. However, this ailment can be counteracted without surgical treatments. You can only give the neck a few slight movements and help relax that affected area.

In this opportunity we want to share 6 effective exercises to calm a little that pain or discomfort in the neck. Do not hesitate to carry them out when this condition afflicts you.

Keep reading!

Neck pain

Neck pain occurs frequently among people who sit for too long. However, they are also recurrent in those who have sleep problems.

Research by experts published in Research Gate prayed that neck pain may point to underlying physiological and pathological mechanisms. That is, it can constitute a disease or symptom of it.

Also, pain tends to be accompanied by a feeling of stiffness and tension. This makes it difficult to move the head in everyday activities.

However, this problem can be improved with a little rest and some conventional relaxers. It is recommended to practice some exercises that, by stimulating circulation, can accelerate recovery.

Exercises to combat it

1. Rest exercise

This type of exercise does not involve moving your neck to relieve stiffness.  However, it is a good option to promote relaxation in stressed areas.

What is to be done?

  • To cost on a firm surface. It can be a yoga mat.
  • Next, put your head in a resting position, so that the shoulders are well aligned.
  • Finally, inhale and exhale repeatedly, without moving your head from the site.
  • Do the activity for 5 minutes.

In this exercise it is important to emphasize breathing, since it is what will help to relax and oxygenate the place where you have pain.

Conscious breathing is positive because it shows how we should take the air correctly, while shallow breathing is done unconsciously.

However, although the latter is sufficient to keep the body alive, it is not effective in alleviating ailments and ailments. This is how this study carried out at the University of Valencia explained it.

2. Bending back and forth

Bending exercises are activities that help improve circulation in the neck. In addition, at the same time they facilitate oxygenation and relaxation of the affected muscles. Although the practice takes more effort, little by little you will help to achieve a greater sense of relief.

What is to be done?

  • Sit in a comfortable chair and try to push your head back, as if you wanted to look at the ceiling.
  • Meanwhile, open your mouth a little to release the tension in your jaw and make sure your back is straight.
  • Then hold for 2 or 3 seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Then bend forward so that the chin is almost touching the chest.
  • Repeat 3 times on each side.

3. Walking helps relieve neck pain

Girl tying her shoes about to run.

An activity as simple as walking can be decisive in reducing neck pain, especially when it originates from poor posture and stress. Of course, it is advised that it be done in a suitable position. One wrong move could make the problem much worse.

What is to be done?

  • Walk for 5 to 10 minutes and keep your chest up, shoulders back, and head in a neutral position.
  • It is essential that the neck is quite relaxed.
  • Once the muscles begin to feel less tense, the head can be turned slightly to reduce the stiffness of the affected area.

4. Shoulder lift

The neck is the area that hurts the most from tension. However, the movement of the shoulders is decisive to accelerate your recovery. This relaxes the surrounding muscles, and also increases circulation.

What is to be done?

  • To begin, you have to sit in a comfortable place with your hands on your thighs or knees. Keep your back straight.
  • Then raise your shoulders up as if they were touching your ears.
  • Then, after holding for 2 seconds, return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement 5 or 6 times.

5. Side twists

This type of exercise must be done very carefully. A sudden movement can increase the tension in the affected region. It is an effective activity against neck pain. Not only because it calms pain, but also because it fights inflammation.

What is to be done?

  • Sit with your back supported by the back of the chair.
  • Then put your hands on your knees and turn your neck to the right.
  • Try to stretch as much as possible, so that the chin is at shoulder height.
  • Then hold for 2 seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Then turn right and repeat the same activity.
  • Perform the turns 5 or 6 times on each side.

6. Turn your head

Woman stretching her neck.

This simple movement is intended to relax the cervical area, especially when stress or poor posture strains the muscles.

What is to be done?

  • Sit up straight with your back straight and your hands on your legs.
  • Try to stretch the neck as much as possible and at the same time make circles with the face.
  • Perform 8 to 10 repetitions and then rest.

Do you have a stiff or affected neck? Find a comfortable place and be encouraged to practice these exercises to promote recovery and better movement of this.

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