The 5 Types Of Happiness You Can Experience

There are 5 types of happiness that we can all experience in different situations throughout the life cycle.

For decades, philosophers and psychologists have addressed this topic. Is there perhaps more than one way to experience this kind of intense, fulfilling and satisfying emotion?

Aristotle himself explained, for example, in Ethics to Nicomachus that there were three types of happiness. The first was related to fun and pleasure, the second was based on the experience of freedom. The third had to do with philosophy and research.

We could therefore say that happiness has a measure and a pattern for each person. Each of us reaches that peak of self-realization in many different ways.

So let’s see what psychology tells us in this regard.

Types of happiness we all experience

1. Daily pleasant experiences

girl thinking about the different types of happiness

Believe it or not, every day of our life has many pleasant experiences that make us feel positive emotions that lead to so-called happiness.

Do you have to do something extraordinary to achieve it? The truth is that no, because if you remember well a well-known phrase, pleasure is sometimes found in the little things of everyday life.

  • We just have to pay more attention and we will realize that exercising, enjoying that good coffee in the morning with its aroma or occupying our time reading or even carrying out a work project with many possibilities of success can give us that feeling of happiness. .
  • All these dimensions come hand in hand with a relaxed, present-centered and stress-free mental and psychological approach.

Moreover, as a study carried out at the University of British Columbia reveals, people who are not obsessed with seeking happiness but rather with appreciating what surrounds them in a simple way, achieve real well-being.

2. The state of flow

girl thinking about the different types of happiness

Surely you have ever experienced this state. We refer to that where you find yourself so immersed in an activity that you like that you forget about time and what is happening around you.

Perhaps it has ever happened to you if you paint, if you are a writer, if you do some manual activity … Anything that you like a lot and that abstracts you can lead you to this state.

This is the fruit of your pleasure. For example, if you like mathematics, you will feel flowing when performing operations or other types of exercises that include numbers and formulas.

This is one of the types of happiness that vary greatly depending on one person or another. Likewise, it should be noted that this term coined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, one of the exponents of positive psychology, is today one of the most significant contributions to the study of happiness.

3. Happiness in relationships

Human beings are social beings, so establishing strong and healthy bonds with other people is very important to us.

Although it is true that a dose of loneliness is necessary for our well-being, having people around us who love us, whom we can trust and with whom we can share great moments is something that will make us feel very good.

Thus, authors such as Martin Seligman remind us that cultivating positive and meaningful relationships helps us gain quality of life and even longevity.

4. The achievement of objectives

Do you have any pending objectives to meet? Is it connected to your values? These two elements achieved together make up another of the types of happiness with which we can find.

Reaching that goal will enrich us, make us feel full, motivated and very happy with ourselves. It is a very positive development that, in addition, will generate an increase in our self-esteem.

5. Does your life have meaning?

be happy

Many people are lost, discouraged, and sad because their life is meaningless. This, sometimes, is the result of emotional voids and unsolved problems that cause them to find themselves as in a labyrinth.

Being aware that we exist with a purpose, that we are not here to be and that we have a mission is another of the types of happiness that we can experience. One of the most representative figures of this idea in the world of psychology was Viktor Frankl.

This famous neurologist and psychiatrist survived the Auschwitz and Dachau camps. After losing his family in this context, he was able to recover and return to his professional life after defining a new purpose: to help others. Guide people towards a life of meaning.

Thus, one of his most outstanding books is undoubtedly “Man’s Search for Meaning”, a wonderful work that invites us to reflect on life, adversity and happiness.

Having a motivation to make our life something extraordinary  will be essential to feel good and be happy.

Think that we can all contribute something to this world. What do you contribute?


These 5 types of happiness are very important and being able to feel good in any of these 5 areas will be the maximum expression of the true balance that can exist in our life.

Do you dare to be happy in up to 5 different ways? Happiness is not reduced to a specific goal or a complete situation. There are several places where she is waiting for us to find her. Let’s do it.

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