Telogen Effluvium: Causes And Treatments

Telogen effluvium is a form of hair loss that occurs after going through severe stress or traumatic situations. It can affect anyone, man or woman, regardless of age; however, it occurs more frequently in young women.

In order to be able to give it an adequate treatment, it is convenient to determine what are the factors that influence its appearance. In this way, little by little, the hair can be repopulated. What are its possible causes? What therapeutic options are there? We will detail it below.

Why does telogen effluvium occur?

Telogen effluvium is a type of alopecia that occurs when the root of the follicle suffers specific damage that hinders its development and growth cycle. Hair loss is usually temporary and therefore should not be confused with alopecia areata.

In general, it is normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day; however, as detailed in a publication in Harvard Health Publishing , when this condition occurs, it is possible to lose up to 300 hairs instead of 100. And why does it happen? There are several possible triggers. Among them we find the following:

  • Stress or traumatic events: episodes of stress cause an alteration in the growth of the hair follicle. A loss of capillary density is perceived. From the moment the hair follicle is affected, it can take 2 -3 months before hair loss appears. In this elapsed time, a large number of follicles may have been affected.
  • Tables of febrile diseases or infectious diseases.
  • Malnutrition: either due to health problems or insufficient consumption of some foods. Once the malnutrition picture is overcome, the usual state begins to recover.
  • Post-surgical.
  • Postpartum : it is one of the most common causes in women. Together with the beginning of motherhood, they cause emotional exhaustion and consequent stress. Telogen effluvium will last depending on its cause and how quickly treatment is started.
  • Severe weight loss 
Why does telogen effluvium occur?

Also read: My hair falls out during pregnancy: how to combat it?


The diagnosis is made from a physical examination and an interrogation carried out by a doctor or dermatologist during the consultation. A ” pull test can also be suggested to assess if there is hair loss. In this, the hair is gently pulled to verify its quality.

On the other hand, to rule out other possible associated causes, the professional requires a blood test. However, as detailed in an article published in the International Journal of Trichology , the definitive diagnosis can be made through digital trichoscopy.

The importance of recognizing the picture

It is a reversible and limited disorder. To stop its evolution in time, consultation with a specialist is the most recommended. When the cause that caused it is treatable, as in the case of anemia, it must be corrected so that the picture improves.

Therefore, first, a diagnosis must be obtained. Once its cause is established, the doctor can guide towards the best treatment. Thus, before the first manifestations of telogen effluvium, treatment of the hair follicle should be started in order to reactivate its growth and stop its loss as soon as possible.

As soon as the treatment begins, the growth phase will be characterized by fine and short hair that, with the passage of time, will thicken until it returns to its usual stem and length. In general, the whole of this process is slow; it can last up to 12 months.

What are the treatment options for telogen effluvium?

As we have discussed, the treatment for telogen effluvium largely depends on its trigger. In general, it is relevant to have the opinion of the professional to choose one option or another. In addition, it is essential to treat its underlying cause.

Frequent rinsing

Frequent rinsing of the hair – a minimum of 3 times a week – is recommended to remove all mature hair that will fall out sooner or later. This measure will reduce the downturn phase and accelerate the arrival of the growth phase.

Diet and supplementation

According to a review of studies published in Dermatologic Therapy , vitamins are not the only deficiency that can lead to telogen effluvium. It also affects a possible caloric deficiency or the deficit of other essential nutrients such as fatty acids, minerals and proteins.

Therefore, it is essential to adjust the diet and, if necessary, resort to supplementation. The doctor or specialist will be in charge of guiding towards adequate nutrition, depending on the case.

Diet and supplementation


The use of lotions such as minoxidil, which act directly on the hair follicle, helps to stimulate hair growth. While there is no evidence on the efficacy of this product against problems such as telogen effluvium, it is a well-tolerated drug with notable benefits against hair disorders. 


Oral melatonin is helpful. It is effective in regulating the sleep cycle, acts as an antioxidant and, in turn, in low doses regulates the hair cycle by acting on its growth.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Recent studies, such as one published in the International Journal of Trichology, expose the benefits of an innovative treatment against hair loss disorders: platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Although there is still a lack of evidence to corroborate its efficacy on telogen effluvium, the findings are promising.

Treatment, which is reserved for cases in which other therapeutic options do not work, consists of drawing the patient’s blood. This is then processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet fraction from the natural growth factors.

Subsequently, it is applied to the scalp by means of microinjections to stimulate hair growth. The procedure only takes 45 minutes and is not considered invasive.

Telogen effluvium: what should be clear?

In general conditions, all of us lose hair every day (about 100). However, in the event of trauma, stress episodes or nutritional deficiencies, hair loss can be abnormal. It is important to determine if it is telogen effluvium in order to proceed with an appropriate treatment.

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