Sometimes I Cry And Not Because Of Weakness, But Because I Am Tired Of Being Strong

Sometimes you are tired of being strong, you reach the limit of possibilities and therefore you just let yourself go. In those moments, you may think that you have failed or that “you are weak”, but you should know that crying is not a sign of weakness or less internal strength, nor is it a sign that “you are not worth” far from it. Nor is it the “end” of everything or a definitive statement that you have given up. Crying does not always mean giving up for good.

Sometimes you have no choice but to resort to this method of relief because you are exhausted and because you feel tired of being strong because life demands too much, and those around you sometimes, unintentionally, are not aware of everything you give.

It’s normal to be tired of being strong

Pensive woman

It is possible that you were also educated under the idea that tears should be “swallowed”, that life is hard and that crying is useless. However, this belief can lead to serious emotional problems over time.

The fact of not crying sometimes implies not showing what you feel and hiding under false pretenses that “you are not well”. If you insist on pretending normality, hiding feelings and problems, in the end you will not only do it in front of others; but also for yourself.

The emotions that are hidden are problems that are not faced and an unmanaged problem, according to a study carried out by several researchers from the Camilo José Cela University, can end up somatized in the form of headaches, migraines, fatigue, muscle tension, dizziness, digestive problems, etc. Therefore, failing to attend to an emotional discomfort can later translate into a greater discomfort with physical implications.

You cannot be strong every day, just as you cannot hide your discomfort or sadness for a long time. You must allow yourself that moment of relief in which the tears act as authentic “liberators” of stress, nerves and emotions. In this sense:

  • Cry healthy.
  • Tears are a release method that forms the first step of change. It involves assuming emotions to release them.
  • After the crying, comes the calm. You will feel more relaxed to face reality and make decisions.

Also read: Only you know everything you have overcome and what you have let go

Being strong for others also tires you, so give yourself permission to take care of yourself

Woman hugging a pillow looking out the window.

Only you know what you have invested to be where you are. What you have had to give up for yours, for the people you love. And you have done it with free will because it was what you wanted, it is something you know. But there comes a time when it seems that life and, even more so, the people around you do not treat you with the appreciation that perhaps you have shown.

You must be strong in a society that does not give you facilities in social and labor matters. Show strength in front of a family that is sometimes not so easy to get along with; In front of parents, siblings or partner who, sometimes, tend to prioritize themselves too much, without taking you into account.

And indeed, there are days when you get tired of carrying the pressure and then … You need to cry.

It is important to set limits and give only what you are able to offer

It is not possible to give more than what one has. Therefore, it is not the same to offer happiness and happiness to your loved ones if they do not attend to you and correspond to you with the same affection, with the same affection.

In this sense, as the book Toxic Emotions: How to heal emotional damage and be free to have inner peace by Bernardo Stamateas explains, the key is in balance. To be strong, take on daily tasks and meet those goals that you have in mind facing difficulties; it is important to manage some keys.

  • Being strong means first being good with yourself. Cultivate personal growth, enjoy every moment, hobbies. Love each person next to you and, above all, love yourself.
  • The strongest are those who know how to love and, in turn, love themselves. And this does not mean that you are selfish.
  • Being strong also requires releasing weights that hinder progress, hurt well-being and cause suffering. It is true that sometimes it hurts, but it is necessary to stop giving priority to those who do not take you into account.

Tired of being strong? allow yourself to rest

Body temperature and sleep

Don’t carry the weight of the world on your back. Carry what is really essential for you, and do not forget that the heart needs a privileged space for yourself. Also, if you need to cry and rest, do so. There is nothing wrong with wanting to rest. Quite the opposite. Rest is good, useful and necessary.

What do we mean by this?

  • You have the right to say that “you can’t handle this and that”, that it is beyond you, that you are not going to assume more responsibilities than you already have.
  • You also have the right to say that “you can’t take it anymore”, that you need a break.
  • You have the right to ask for respect, to demand affection, affection and recognition. Whoever needs you must understand that you also need them.

And, of course, you are entitled to have those moments of personal relief, to seek a moment of intimacy to walk and think about yourself, to cry, listen to you, assist you, make decisions and move forward. Because life is, at the end of the day, that very thing: walking through your own vital paths with the maximum balance and inner well-being.

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