Sometimes Being “weird” Is The Side Effect Of Being Cool

Genius does not abound too much in our day to day. This is due, more than anything, to a certain lack of daring, not a lack of skills or aptitudes. Only those who dare to be a little weird, who enjoy being themselves at every moment achieve authenticity.

We are sure that you also know someone who has his own style and very marked. Who does not mind going against the tide, walking alone, deciding for himself, even if others see his choices somewhat crazy.

They are admirable, free and brave people. In fact, it is even possible that you already are. However, if you feel this need inside you and you have not yet dared, we suggest you make the change.

Dare to be as rare as your soul needs. Dare to be great every day of your life.

Being weird in a society that strives to make us all the same

It is curious to see how we live in an age that sociologists and anthropologists have labeled the “knowledge society.”

Technological and scientific advances have made extraordinary progress and have undoubtedly changed many of our lifestyles. However, human courage and our relationships have not gone hand in hand with these advances.

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Elements as basic as solidarity, respect or tolerance are often conspicuous by their absence.

The “different” is feared, who comes from another country, who dares to raise his voice to oppose an ideology, a power structure or a way of thinking.

We live in a reality where the way of dressing is valued more than the essence of the person. All this is explained many times by that concept that Zygmunt Bauman, a renowned sociologist defines as “liquid society”.

  • Most people are dominated by a kind of materialism and emotional consumerism. There is hardly time to know in depth who we have in front of us; quick relationships and momentary pleasure are preferred.
  • What is different creates strangeness and mistrust because it is not normative, because it does not fit into that model of society where it is better not to leave the comfort zone, where we are guided by fashions, by what others decide and that we simply consume.

Dare to be different, to break the threads that hold you

There are many children who sit at the end of the classrooms in silence while observing their classmates with sadness and incomprehension.

Intelligence is inherited from the mother.

  • It is very possible that this exceptional child has been labeled “rare.”
  • In our society there are also personalities that were labeled “weird” when in fact they were or are great.

Think of Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, people who did not finish their studies and who dared to be true to their instincts even though others did not understand or criticize them.

  • The way we were raised and what, even today, our families expect of us.
  • Society itself with its fashions, with sizes that make us think about losing weight, with its ideals of beauty and behavior that we are supposed to reach in order to be successful.
  • When one is labeled “weird” by those around him, the feeling that he does not fit in often appears.

Have a dream terrace.

  • In a world of equal people, true value is being able to break out of the norm.
  • Whoever does not accept our particularities, opinions or vital choices and emphasizes with contempt those facets does not deserve our sincere affection.
  • We will show them respect, but it will always be better to deactivate in ourselves the suffering caused by not accepting us.

Believe it or not, whatever your madness, your strangeness or your genius, there will always be someone who shares it and identifies with you. Because deep down, we are all great and exceptional creatures, all we need is bravery and daring. Take the step. Dare to be you every day of your life.

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