Skipping Breakfast Makes You Fat: Discover The Best Options

Skipping breakfast makes you fat. In addition, according to the “Spanish Agency for Consumption, Food Safety and Nutrition”, almost 30% of people do not eat breakfast. They prefer, for example, to have a coffee at their workplaces. Surprising, isn’t it? Well, there is another fact that worries us a little more: only 3% of the child population eats a really healthy breakfast.

Most of us – children included – we limit ourselves, almost always, to a glass of milk and some industrial pastries. Something sweet and rich in fat that instantly satisfies us and allows us to leave home “quickly”. What is the consequence of it? That, day after day, our population presents higher rates of obesity.

And there is also another misconception that we must correct, the one that says that, to lose weight, it is better to do without breakfast. In this article we want to explain what skipping breakfast makes you fat. In addition, we want to prevent you from other consequences of skipping breakfast. We are sure that it will help you.

Did you know that skipping breakfast makes you fat?

Skipping breakfast makes you fat

Indeed, doing without breakfast makes you fat. It may surprise you, but the justifications given by people who leave home without having breakfast are almost always the following:

  • The lack of time.
  • Having had enough dinner the night before.
  • Wanting to lose a few kilos.

If you identify with any of these phrases, you need to take into account the consequences that “fasting” can have for your health. Because … Skipping breakfast makes you fat.

What happens if you don’t have breakfast?

  • Starting the day with nothing in the stomach is directly related to a drop in energy, poor intellectual performance, tiredness and a bad mood. Did you know that your brain needs almost 20% of your total energy to function normally? Hence, we feel groggy and headache, since without the right nutrients and vitamins, you will not be able to perform adequately at work.
    • People who skip breakfast suffer from constipation.
    • Skipping breakfast causes what experts call “metabolic syndrome”, that is, an accumulation of fat, almost always located in the abdomen. This is basically due to the fact that our organism, upon perceiving that “there is no food”, activates a series of enzymes so that they accumulate reserves (fats). Far from losing weight, our body collects those lipids and those fats and stores them in very specific places, the abdomen being one of its favorites.
    • Do you know what causes, in turn, abdominal obesity? An increase in triglycerides, hypertension, and high blood glucose levels. All of this ultimately leads to serious cardiovascular problems.
    • According to an interesting study by the Harvard University School of Public Health (Boston, United States), many men leave home without breakfast or simply drink a “strong coffee” to clear up. Following this practice for several years usually leads to a heart attack.

      As you can see, by skipping breakfast you run a very high risk. Not only are you going to make your metabolism work more slowly but, in addition to that fat that you are going to accumulate, a host of associated problems will be triggered, which we could all avoid if we take care of ourselves a little more. And having breakfast!

      6 keys to a healthy breakfast with which you will not gain weight

      Skipping breakfast makes you fat

      1. Includes whole grains

      Oatmeal, for example, is one of the best allies to include in a healthy breakfast. Accompanied by a diced apple and some grapes, it stands out as a delicious option. Another great ingredient for your breakfast is, for example, rye bread. If you add plum jam and accompany it with a good natural orange juice, you will love it.

      2. Some protein. Surprised?

      You should know that protein is essential for gaining muscle. What is the use of losing weight if the skin is flabby? A healthy breakfast needs its portion of protein and you can get it, for example, from a boiled egg. With a little olive oil and cut into small pieces it is ideal. You can also make a rich omelette with spinach.

      3. Milk? Tea? Coffee?…

      We recommend vegetable drinks such as almond, oatmeal, rice or walnut drinks. They do not contain lactose and give us a lot of energy. Do not hesitate to include your cup of coffee, or if you wish, green tea. They are always adequate.

      4. A piece of fruit

      Skipping breakfast makes you fat

      And which one is the best? The one you want. From a green apple to a pear, or a rich salad of strawberries with kiwi, a papaya or a slice of pineapple. Ideally, they should be fresh and, if you wonder how it is better to consume them, whether in juice or whole, we will tell you that juices always contain a little more sugar. It is best to consume a piece of natural fruit, with skin included, as is the case with apples.

      5. Yes to nuts

      You can take 3 nuts a day or 5 almonds: they combine with everything and provide us with from magnesium to excellent fatty acids such as omega 3.

      6. Yes to probiotics

      One of the best is plain unsweetened Greek yogurt. It activates the metabolism and, in addition, it provides us with healthy bacteria that take care of our intestinal flora. And you know … Skipping breakfast makes you fat and has other negative health consequences. Therefore, do not ever leave the house without having breakfast!

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