Signs That You Need To Remove Your Mole As Soon As Possible

If you have a mole whose size or color has changed or that bleeds or itches, it is important that you go to a dermatologist to examine it, as it could be dangerous.

We all have moles and many of them are harmless, but be careful, because some may also not be. Still don’t know if you need to remove your mole for prevention?

If you observe these signs, go to your doctor because they could indicate that you should remove it as soon as possible. And it is that you must bear in mind that around 25% of all melanomas develop from common moles.

How do you know if you need to remove your mole?

Identify a suspicious mole

Before knowing if you need to remove your mole, it is essential that you know that there are individuals who are at greater risk of skin cancer than others. These include:

  • People with very fair skin.
  • Individuals with many moles.
  • Those with relatives with a history of this type of disease.
  • People who have inadvertently damaged a mole, or one hurts and bleeds and observe that the skin around it is irritated and scaly.

There are also risk factors known as ABCDE for moles, which have long been used to determine whether or not a mole is dangerous. Specifically they are defined like this:

  • Asymmetry:  if you notice a noticeable and more than visible asymmetry in your mole, be very careful because it may be some type of melanoma.
  • Irregular edges:  Although the mole in question does not present a great asymmetry, if you observe that its edges are very irregular, you must bear in mind that this could be another of the signs.
  • Color:  a common mole is mono-colored, while a mole that can lead to melanoma has black or red parts.
  • Diameter:  in the case of a mole that does not present a health hazard, its diameter will not be very large. On the other hand, a mole that does present a certain danger will have a diameter close to that of a pencil eraser.
  • Evolution:  moles do not change in shape, color, or size in a lifetime. So, if you see that yours is changing, be alert.

remove your mole

Other issues to consider

We must know that some moles do not follow these signs, which, although they are the most common, do not always respond to a single pattern. Thus, it must be taken into account that some melanomas simply appear through a type of skin change or through a new mole.

So, before any anomaly or growth that you observe different from the rest of your moles, go to your doctor.
Additionally, other warnings that you may need to remove your mole include the following:

  • Sores that do not heal
  • Redness beyond the edge.
  • Itching, tenderness, or pain around a mole.
  • Spread of pigment from the edge of a spot to the skin.
  • Change in the surface of a mole. Suddenly some type of peeling, exudation, bleeding, or that changes in appearance is observed, pretending to be a nodule.

Skin cancer prevention

It is extremely important to try to prevent, as much as possible, ending up with skin cancer. It must be borne in mind that in most cases in which the patient ends up developing skin cancer it is due to  excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays.

These rays come largely from the sun, but they can also come from man-made sources, such as tanning booths and sunlamps. When it comes to sunbathing you have to be very careful and not do it in the central hours of the day.

Likewise, we must be aware that sun protection is something that you have to wear every day regardless of whether you are going to sunbathe or not.

Look at the type of sun protection you use

Ingredients of a good sunscreen

When you go to select a type of sun protection you will have to take into account which one you choose. That is why it is very important to read the label well.

  • The use of products with broad spectrum protection is recommended, that is, they work against UVA and UVB rays.
  • Regarding the sun protection factor (SPF), it is best to use a sun protection cream with a value of 30 or higher.

Keep in mind that protectors with an SPF 50 already filter around 98% of the sun’s rays. Blockers with an SPF of 100, approximately 99%. It is also important to know that in the case of sunscreens with an SPF less than 15 they will only help you prevent sunburn, but they will not be a true protection screen for your skin.

Do you think you need to remove your mole? The best answer can be obtained from a professional. Therefore, if you notice any irregularity, do not hesitate to request the relevant checks. 

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