Show Off Thicker Eyebrows With These 7 Natural Tricks

To achieve full and defined eyebrows it is essential that, in addition to being consistent with the treatment, we do not mix them together to avoid adverse reactions

Having thicker and busier eyebrows has become the desire of many women who, unfortunately, did not have the genetics to show them off naturally. This particular feature has become a trend around the world. Not only because it allows to show them more defined, but because they highlight the look and make it look much more attractive.

The problem is that, as with hair, hairs tend to weaken due to direct exposure to toxins and the sun’s rays.

As a consequence, it is more difficult to apply makeup and, beyond this, it leaves the eyes unprotected against environmental particles.

Fortunately, there are several natural tricks that can be applied on a regular basis to strengthen and increase their volume.

In the following space we want to highlight the 7 best so that you do not hesitate to add them to your beauty routine.

1. Aloe vera

The prodigious aloe vera gel is one of the natural cosmetic products that helps to strengthen the hairs of the eyebrows so that they appear thicker.

This ingredient is rich in antioxidant and moisturizing substances that, applied continuously, nourish the hair to prevent hair loss.

How to use?

  • Take a small amount of aloe vera and rub it on your lashes before going to sleep.
  • Let it absorb well and rinse off the next day.
  • Use it every day.

2. Coconut oil

Organic coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids, vitamin E, and essential minerals that strengthen the brows to promote healthy growth.

Used every day, excess loss is fought and, in turn, interesting effects are achieved on its thickness.

How to use?

  • First smear some coconut oil on your fingertips and massage your eyebrows for a couple of minutes.
  • Then wait for the product to absorb well and leave it to work overnight.
  • Repeat its application every night, before sleeping.

3. Almond milk

Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants. This plant milk is a good remedy to increase the volume of the eyebrows.

Its nutrients easily penetrate the hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth.

How to use?

  • In principle, dip a piece of cotton wool in cold almond milk and rub it on the eyebrows for three minutes.
  • Then leave it to act overnight, without rinsing, and repeat its use every day.

4. Garlic to increase the thickness of your eyebrows

The sulfurous compounds in garlic act as growth agents for eyebrow hair, increasing their quantity and thickness. Although its smell is not the most pleasant, it is worth applying it regularly to have more bushy and defined eyebrows.

How to use?

  • To start, crush a clove of garlic in a mortar and apply the paste on your eyebrows.
  • Be careful not to get the product in your eyes as it can be irritating.
  • Let it act for 30 minutes and rinse.
  • Lastly, use it at least three times a week.

5. Rosemary oil

The nutrients in rosemary oil are easily absorbed through the eyebrow follicles, so it can slow down hair loss and stimulate natural growth.

It is a very gentle ingredient for the eyebrows. Above all, it is ideal to minimize the negative effects caused by the sun and toxins.

How to use?

  • At first, moisten a clean mascara brush in rosemary oil and brush your eyebrows for five minutes.
  • Finally, let it absorb naturally and use it up to twice a day.

6. Castor oil

Castor oil contains vitamin E, essential fatty acids and mineral compounds that help to achieve thicker and healthier eyebrows.

Its oily texture naturally moisturizes and helps strengthen hair to prevent hair loss.

How to use?

  • Dampen a cotton swab or mascara brush with enough castor oil and apply it to your eyebrows.
  • Optionally, apply with fingertips for a circulation-boosting massage.
  • Repeat its use every night, leaving it to act without rinsing.

7. Vitamin E oil

With-vitamin-E-capsules-you-can-take care-of-your-eyebrows-and-increase-their-volume.

Vitamin E oil is an ingredient rich in antioxidants that, in addition to protecting, nourishes hair follicles to promote eyebrow growth.

How to use?

  • Break open a vitamin E capsule and apply it to the eyebrows with your fingertips.
  • From now on, remember to use it every night before going to sleep.

Are you ready to improve the look of your eyebrows? Go ahead and try any of these natural remedies and discover that you can thicken them without the need for chemicals. Of course, choose only one treatment and try not to mix them to avoid adverse reactions.

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