Say Goodbye To The Corns On Your Feet By Combining Two Natural Ingredients

Although the effects of this remedy are not immediate, with the days we will see how the corns disappear and the skin softens. We can complement it with the use of pumice stone

Corns on the feet, also known in popular language as corns, are a very common problem caused by pressure with shoes or the continuous friction of the skin. It is considered an aesthetic problem since, in general, it does not directly affect health but it does generate quite noticeable imperfections.

They usually occur in the plantar area and the lower part of the big toe and are sometimes accompanied by painful cracking that increases the risk of infection.

Fortunately, there are several remedies of natural origin that, thanks to their properties, help soften the skin to significantly reduce this problem. In the following space we want to share a very effective treatment, made with just 2 ingredients that you usually have at home.

Find out!

Natural treatment to remove the hardness of the feet

This natural treatment to remove the hardness of the feet is made from the combination of onion with white vinegar. Both ingredients are characterized by their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, necessary to soften and restore the health of the skin.

Its active compounds, such as allicin, nourish the affected dermis and facilitate the elimination of accumulated dead cells. By the way, they provide a protective effect against fungi and bacteria, thus preventing them from generating infections and more serious problems.

Onion benefits

Onion juice

Onion is a vegetable rich in antioxidant, water and anti-inflammatory compounds that, after being used topically, help us soften the skin of the feet. Although its smell is not so pleasant, its antibacterial and antifungal agents are reason enough not to hesitate to use it for this purpose.

  • These properties protect the affected skin and, while reducing hardness, inhibit the growth of microorganisms that cause infections.
  • In addition, thanks to its content of vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, it confers other interesting effects on the health of the skin.

White vinegar benefits

White vinegar is a very popular ingredient around the world, as its antibacterial properties have been helpful in facilitating various cleaning tasks around the home. Its organic acid content kills germs and leaves surfaces sanitized and safe.

White vinegar

However, in addition to this, we find that it  is a good solution to alleviate various skin problems. Its moisturizing action helps remove calluses and helps prevent skin cracking or fungal infections.

How to prepare this home remedy against calluses of the feet?

This simple natural remedy is a perfect solution to end both the hardness and the blisters that form on the feet. Its properties protect the skin against infectious agents and facilitate the elimination of dead cells.


  • 1 onion
  • ½ cup white vinegar


  • Airtight glass jar
  • Cling film
  • Cotton


remedy of onion and white vinegar the calluses of the feet

  • Wash the onion well and cut it into several pieces to easily insert it into the glass jar.
  • Next, add the white vinegar and seal the mixture.
  • Put it in a cool, dark place and let it concentrate overnight.
  • Then the next day you start your application.

How to use

  • Dip a piece of cotton in the remedy and rub it on the hard areas of the feet.
  • Fix the product with the help of plastic wrap and let it act for between 4 and 6 hours.
  • We recommend using it at night so that its compounds act while you rest.
  • Repeat the treatment until the hardness disappears.
  • It complements its application with the daily use of moisturizer and exfoliating products.
  • You can also rub your feet with a pumice stone to speed up the removal of dry and dead skin.

Ready to try this treatment? If you notice that your feet have unsightly hardness, prepare this simple remedy and apply it according to the recommendations given.

Although its effects are not immediate, with the passage of days you will notice that the skin softens and softens. Of course, keep in mind that its use is not recommended in case of cracking of the skin, as it can be irritating. In the latter case, it is best to consult your doctor to find out a more appropriate treatment.

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