Saint Honoré Cake Recipe

The Saint Honoré cake is a classic of French pastry. In fact, its name pays homage to the patron saint of pastry chefs and bakers: the saint Honoratus of Amiens (Saint-Honoré), bishop of the diocese of Amiens.

However, in other statements it is said that its name is due to rue Saint Honoré in Paris, which is the pastry shop where it began to be manufactured.

There is no doubt that this is one of the most delicious cakes you will try, but it is also a challenge when preparing. It is not such a simple recipe, but it requires a little time to prepare and great care must be taken to make it perfect and delicious.

Currently there are different varieties in the recipe to prepare the Saint Honoré cake. However, this is the classic way, which uses a sheet of shortbread dough topped by a ring of choux pastry.

How to prepare choux pastry?

Before starting to prepare the Saint Honoré cake, we are going to share with you the simple recipe to prepare your own choux pastry at home.


  • 70g milk
  • 70 ml of water
  • 50g butter
  • 70 g flour (sifted)
  • 2-3 eggs
  • a pinch of salt


  • First, put a saucepan with the water, milk, a little salt and butter on the fire. While this is heating, sift the flour.
  • Then, when the mixture is starting to boil, add the flour and stir, without removing it from the heat.
  • Then continue stirring until the point that it no longer sticks from the saucepan. Remove it from the heat and transfer it to another container. Let it sit until it cools down a bit.
  • When it is warm, you add the first egg to the dough and stir it vigorously with a wooden spoon. When it has absorbed the first egg, you add the second and mix again.
  • Finally, for the last egg, beat a little in a separate container and incorporate it into the mixture until completing a third.
  • To check that the paste is at its exact point of elasticity, stir with a wooden spoon and turn it around a bit. The pasta that is ready should peak and keep. If not, add another third of an egg until the desired consistency is achieved.

    How to prepare Saint Honoré cake?

    If you are ready to take on the challenge of the Saint Honoré cake, do not miss the steps we have designed to make the task a little easier. The result is very delicious and you will love preparing it on any occasion to share with your family.

    Honoré cake ingredients


    • 300 g of shortcrust pastry
    • 500 g choux pastry
    • Caramel syrup (amount to taste)
    • 400 ml whipping cream
    • 50g sugar


    Honoré cake recipe - Step 1 to 4

    • Step 1.  First, roll out the shortcrust pastry.
    • Step 2.  Then cut it out, giving it a circular shape.
    • Step 3. Put the choux pastry on the edge, as you see in the image.
    • Step 4.  Make cupcakes with the choux pastry.


    • Step 5. Later, bake at 200 ºC, about 20 minutes.
    • Step 6. Beat the cream and add the sugar.
    • Step 7. Fill two pastry sleeves with the cream, one with a fine nozzle and the other with a star nozzle.
    • Step 8. Fill the cupcakes with cream using the fine nozzle sleeve.


    • Step 9.  Then pour the caramel, previously heated in the microwave, as you see in the image.
    • Step 10. Glue the cupcakes over the edge.
    • Step 11. The next step is to add a little more caramel.
    • Step 12.  Finally, with the star nozzle pastry bag, arrange the cream as you see in the image.

    With these simple steps you can prepare a delicious Saint Honoré cake to share at snack time or at any special moment. Finally you can decorate it with a little caramel and that’s it.

    See also:

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