Relieve Back Pain With These 6 Essential Oils

Essential oils have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that help relieve back pain. To obtain all their benefits we must ensure that they are of organic origin.

Back pain is a very common condition that can occur more than once in our lives. We show you how you can alleviate it by using essential oils.

How to relieve back pain with essential oils

Although it is not a disease as such, it affects the quality of life, and  its presence can alert of:

  • A problem in the spine.
  • Muscle tension.
  • Chronic disorders.

Although it  tends to disappear with a little rest and the consumption of some analgesic, it can become recurrent until it becomes a reason for disability for the person.

Fortunately,  mild cases can be treated at home with some natural remedies, such as these oils, which have an anti-inflammatory and relaxing effect.

Chamomile oil

Chamomile oil

Chamomile or Roman chamomile essential oil is an organic ingredient that provides a sedative effect on back pain.

It contains flavonoid and terpenoid substances that help fight inflammation in both muscles and joints.

How to use?

  • First, moisten the palms of your hands with enough chamomile oil and rub it on your back with a gentle massage.
  • Then apply light pressure with your fingertips, avoiding overdoing it so as not to injure the muscles.
  • Repeat it every night when you get home from work, or every time you feel this pain.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus essential oil has analgesic and calming effects. Thus, it facilitates pain relief in the spine and back muscles.

It is often used as a treatment for inflammatory conditions, including arthritis and osteoarthritis.

How to use?

  • Dilute a little eucalyptus essential oil in hot water and apply it using compresses on the painful areas.
  • Repeat it if you consider it necessary.

Ginger oil

Ginger oil

Ginger oil contains a substance known as gingerol that gives it anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

In addition to back pain, it  can be used for the application of relaxing massages.

How to use?

  • First, put some ginger oil on the back and rub it with your hands until absorbed.
  • Use gentle circular motions to stimulate circulation and speed up pain relief.

Sandalwood oil

Sandalwood essential oil has been valued since ancient times for its powerful antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action that stimulates muscle relaxation.

It is often used in the treatment of back pain; however,  it is also useful for sedating the nervous system and controlling neck tension.

How to use?

Spray some sandalwood oil on the sore areas and rub it in with a gentle massage until it is well absorbed.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil has been used for centuries as an alternative product to treat spondylitis and tension back pain.

Its sedative and analgesic active ingredients, in addition to inhibiting inflammation, facilitate the relief of affected muscles.

How to use?

  • To start, drizzle some rosemary oil on your back and gently massage it in until it penetrates completely.
  • Repeat its use 2 times a day if you consider it necessary.

    Peppermint oil

     Lastly, peppermint essential oil has antibacterial and expectorant properties.  In addition, it is an alternative to relieve muscle and joint ailments.

    In this case, it is recommended for low back tension, as it  promotes circulation and stimulates the elimination of fluids that worsens inflammation.

    How to use?

    • First, combine equal parts of peppermint oil with coconut oil and spread it over the sore areas with gentle strokes.
    • Then rub your hands together until you feel warm and make sure the product is well absorbed.
    • Use it at the first sign of pain.

    As you can see, these essential oils have relaxing properties that can be very helpful in calming pain and inflammation. However, if the pain does not subside, you should go to the specialist.

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