Recommended Medical Exams For Older Adults

As we age, the incidence of numerous pathologies increases. Many of them run silently, so it is necessary to carry out certain tests for an early diagnosis. Therefore, in this article we explain what are the main medical tests that should be performed in older adults.

Fortunately, in recent years a series of recommendations have been established on what is indicated to perform depending on the age range. An example is screening for certain cancers, such as colon or breast.

Thanks to these tests it is possible to treat pathologies in an initial stage. Thus, it has been possible to reduce the mortality and morbidity of many diseases.

Medical exams for older adults to watch out for

There are numerous medical tests that are recommended for older adults. The vast majority are simple and innocuous tests. However, they are very useful for detecting certain very frequent pathologies in the general population. We explain some of them.

Blood pressure measurement

Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood against the walls of the arteries. When this force is measured, the systolic and diastolic blood pressure are quantified. The first is what occurs when the heart contracts, pushing the blood.

Diastolic pressure is the one that takes place while the heart chambers fill with blood. High blood pressure is one of the most common health problems. It is considered a cardiovascular risk factor.

Blood pressure is considered elevated if the systolic is above 120 millimeters of mercury and the diastolic is above 90 millimeters of mercury. According to the National Institute of Aging , performing routine blood pressure checks is essential.

If it is high in 2 or more measurements, it will probably be recommended to start a treatment. The idea is to prevent the occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents (stroke) or other serious complications.

Blood pressure meter as a routine exam for older adults.


Colonoscopy is one of the medical tests that is recommended to perform in older adults. It is a test used to detect colorectal cancer. According to an article by Amgen Spain, a colonoscopy should be performed in those over 50 years of age.

If there are no risk factors, this test should be repeated every 10 years. However, if there are any factors, the frequency should be increased. For example, if that person has polyps at risk of malignancy or a family history.

Eye exams for older adults

Sight is one of the senses that is most affected with age. Visual acuity decreases progressively.

In addition, as we age, the risk of suffering from certain eye diseases increases greatly. For example, cataracts or glaucoma. Another common situation is presbyopia.

Blood test

Blood tests are part of the most important medical tests at any age. However, in older adults they are even more important. They allow to measure parameters such as cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar levels and thyroid hormones.

High cholesterol and triglycerides are another cardiovascular risk factor. Therefore, when elevated levels are detected, it is essential to correct dietary and physical activity aspects.

Glucose levels and glycosylated hemoglobin can detect diabetes mellitus. According to the World Health Organization, diabetes is an important cause of blindness, kidney failure and many other diseases. In fact, it ranks as the seventh leading cause of mortality worldwide.

Bone densitometry

Bone densitometry is a test to diagnose and monitor osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, in turn, is a pathology that causes the destruction and breakdown of bones. This increases the risk of suffering a fracture.

It is one of the medical tests for older adults that is usually indicated in women. The reason is that the incidence of osteoporosis is higher in them. However, there are men who should also undergo this test from the age of 65.

Medical exams for older women

Some medical tests are only indicated in women. This is the case of mammograms from the age of 50. This is a test that allows you to screen for breast cancer.

Another of the tests that are recommended in adult women is the Pap smear. It consists of extracting cells from the cervix to detect abnormalities suggestive of cervical cancer. It is also recommended to perform a pelvic exam at the same time.

Specific medical exams for older men

For men, screening for prostate cancer is essential. For this reason, in blood tests, the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) is also usually requested. In addition, a digital rectal examination is indicated.

A digital rectal examination is usually recommended after the age of 50 if the risk of developing prostate cancer is normal or moderate. Men who have a family history or symptoms should have it done first.

According to an article by the AARP Foundation , in men a possible abdominal aortic aneurysm should also be studied. Especially if they have been or are smokers. To do this, an abdominal ultrasound is performed from the age of 65.

This test is done because aortic aneurysms have a high risk of rupture. If it is detected once already broken, the treatment has a low probability of success.

Home care in addition to medical exams for older adults

Medical tests do not exempt you from the risk of suffering from any pathology. In fact, many of them can provide results that only act as an alert or as a sign that certain aspects need to be changed.

At this stage of life it is essential to have a healthy diet. Ideally, it should be complete and include lots of fruits and vegetables. Try to avoid foods rich in saturated fat and sugar.

Similarly, toxic habits, such as alcohol or tobacco, must be discontinued. They are substances that have a harmful influence on blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

On the other hand, exercising regularly is very important. At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week is recommended. Also muscle strength exercises about 2 times a week.

Physical exercise in older adults.

Vaccination in older adults

Vaccines are often thought of as something that belongs to childhood. However, this is far from the truth. Vaccination in older adults is one of the most important health promotion strategies at this stage.

For example, the pneumonia vaccine is usually indicated in everyone over 65 years of age. In addition, if there are risk factors or comorbidities, the flu is also usually administered every year.

As explained by specialists from the Mayo Clinic, the Shingrix ® vaccine is indicated in adults over 50 years of age. There are 2 doses of vaccine that protect against herpes zoster (also called shingles ).

There are medical exams for older adults that should be done frequently

Many times we tend to neglect or downplay medical examinations. However, as we age, they become more relevant. Many of them allow the early diagnosis of certain diseases.

For example, this is the case with mammography and breast cancer. Thanks to this test, a treatment can be established in early stages. This greatly increases the probability of survival.

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