Recipes For Homemade Cheesecakes With Raspberry

Would you like to learn how to prepare delicious raspberry cheesecakes? We know you probably haven’t tried it yet. Because of this, this time we want to share several ways to prepare it. 

Fortunately, it is a recipe that you can prepare for a special occasion, or to eat for a snack. Of course, as with any dessert, you should moderate the portion to avoid feeling remorse after eating it. Discover in the following sections the steps to make them at home.

Raspberry cheesecakes: delicious recipes

Raspberry is a delicious strawberry that we can include in multiple preparations. Due to its flavor, it combines very well with other ingredients, especially when making desserts. Discover how to enjoy them in these delicious recipes for cheesecakes with raspberries. You’ll love it!

Raspberry cheesecakes: fluffy option

The fluffy version of the raspberry cheesecakes contains dairy ingredients like cream and cream cheese. In addition, we add a little gelatin to give it a more special touch. Let’s get to work!

Ingredients (8 servings):

  • 1 package of cookies “maría”
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 400 ml of cream
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar
  • 500 grams of cream cheese
  • 6 gelatin sheets
  • 300 grams of raspberries
  • 200 ml of water


  • First we are going to prepare the base. For that, crush the cookies and mix with the warm butter, until you get a dough.
  • With it you will cover a previously greased and floured mold. Store in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. Also, hydrate the gelatin sheets with plenty of water in a container.
  • Next, in a saucepan with water, place 200 grams of whole raspberries and let them cook for 15 minutes.
  • Then mix with the mixer and let it cool a little. Apart, mix the cream with the powdered sugar and reserve. Drain the gelatin sheets and pour into the raspberry mixture.
  • To this the white cheese is incorporated. Bind well (with a mixer if possible). Then you add the cream and continue mixing until there are no lumps.
  • Transfer to the mold with the dough and store in the refrigerator for about 4 hours, so that it sets. After that time, decorate with the remaining raspberries, unmold and serve.

Raspberry cheesecakes: option with jam

The special touch of this version of the raspberry cheesecakes will be given by the jam. Although it is a recipe similar to the previous one, we will have a sweeter touch. In addition, we are also going to incorporate ingredients such as egg and cornstarch.


  • 300 grams of shortcrust dough
  • 150 grams of fresh or white cheese
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 1 sheet of gelatin
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 ml milk
  • 15 g cornstarch
  • 100 grams of jam or raspberry jelly
  • Fresh raspberries for garnish
  • Powdered sugar or grated coconut


  • Once you have the shortcrust pastry made, roll it out to a thickness of approximately 3mm. Line a mold with butter and flour and place the dough, pinch it so that it does not rise.
  • Then, bake for 10 minutes at 200 ° C.
  • In addition, heat the milk and cheese in a saucepan until it starts to boil, stirring constantly. Withdraw and reserve.
  • Beat the egg yolks in another bowl with 50 grams of the sugar and cornstarch.
  • Next, add the cheese and milk mixture and beat. Put it back on the fire until it thickens.
  • Beat two egg whites with sugar and mix with the above. Soak the gelatin in water and dilute the jam in it, heat over low heat until it boils.
  • Cover the cake with half of this preparation and then with the cheese.
  • Finally, bake for 30 minutes and unmold.
  • When cool, cover with the rest of the raspberries and gelatin. Sprinkle with sugar and finally garnish with fresh raspberries.

Raspberry cheesecakes: with mascarpone cheese

The mascarpone cheese will be the one who gives the special touch to this version of our cake. In addition, we will use ingredients such as natural yogurt, wheat flour, jam and cream cheese. Simply delicious!


  • 170 grams of cookies (preferably “Maria” style)
  • 80 grams of butter
  • 250 grams of mascarpone cheese
  • 60 grams of cream or white cheese
  • 200 ml of natural yogurt
  • 50 grams of wheat flour
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • Vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 ml of whipping cream
  • 15 g caster sugar
  • Raspberry jam
  • Fresh raspberries


  • First, preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  • Besides, chop the cookies until they are made a powder.
  • Melt the butter in the microwave and place in a bowl along with the cookies. Mix well and pour into the previously greased and floured mold. Bake for 5 minutes and remove, letting cool.
  • In a bowl add the cheeses, eggs, yogurt, sugar, flour, vanilla extract and cream.
  • Beat well and then add the whole raspberries or jam.
  • Pour into the mold and bake again for 50 minutes. It will be ready when placing a toothpick or knife it comes out dry.
  • To finish, turn off the oven and leave it there for 30 more minutes. Remove and let cool. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
  • Unmold and to decorate, place the fresh raspberries or jelly and then sprinkle with powdered sugar.

raspberry cheesecakes

Raspberry cheesecakes: with orange liqueur and pionono

In this case, you will need more ingredients than in previous versions. If you dare, do not hesitate to make it because it is really delicious.


  • 350 grams of raspberries
  • 40 ml of orange liqueur
  • 75 g of raspberry jam
  • 1 pionono
  • 200 ml of water
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 4 clear
  • 4 yolks
  • 200 g of heavy cream
  • 15 grams of unflavored gelatin
  • juice of 1 orange
  • 400 grams of white cheese
  • Zest from the peel of 1 orange
  • 100 grams of white chocolate
  • Mint leaves


  • First, cover the bottom of a mold with the disc for pionono and moisten the walls with vegetable spray.
  • Then spread with the jam and liqueur. Sprinkle with raspberries and set aside.
  • Dissolve the gelatin separately with cold water, heat until boiling, add the orange juice. Let stand.
  • Subsequently, beat the yolks with half the sugar. Add the gelatin, cheese and orange zest to the smoothie.
  • Mix well and incorporate the whipped cream with the whites until stiff with the sugar that you have left.
  • Place this filling in the mold, on top of the raspberries. Refrigerate until firm.
  • Finally, unmold and decorate with white chocolate grated, fresh raspberries and mint leaves.

Still don’t know how to surprise your family? Prepare any of the recipes mentioned and pamper them with a delicious dessert.

Images courtesy of Simon B, Sarah, Kimberly Vardeman and Natalie Maynor

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