Recipe For The Flu: Onion And Garlic Soup

Onion and garlic contain certain compounds that could potentially be beneficial to health. For this reason, there are those who consider that the consumption of soup with onion and garlic can be beneficial in case of flu

The belief that onion and garlic are two foods that have bacterial properties that can help treat health problems, such as the flu, is well known. Could that be true? Let’s see more about it below.

What are the nutrients in garlic?

Mug with garlic and onion soup

In a study carried out by the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) one of the properties of garlic is specified: “ajoene”. In this study, he obtained as a result that ajoene was capable of inhibiting certain bacterial DNA, and with it the expression of certain virulence genes. That is, this compound could be responsible for the supposed antibacterial action of garlic.

Let’s see the most important properties of garlic:

  • Antibacterial action.
  • Anticoagulant, antioxidant, antihypertensive and immunomodulatory effect.
  • It acts on the liver and gastrointestinal system (heartburn, gas, diarrhea, among others).

What are the nutrients in onion?

According to a review carried out by the University of Tokyo and the University of Agriculture in Pakistan, onion is the richest source of flavonoids in the diet and contributes greatly to the overall intake of flavonoids.

Here are some of the properties of onion:

  • Antibacterial action.
  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Some of its compounds have antiasthmatic activity. 

Recipe for the flu

We love this recipe for the flu because it helps alleviate the annoying symptoms of this disease and also, it tastes super good!

This soup could help prevent illness. There are indications that it was used in Ancient Greece and in native American civilizations for the same purpose.

The theory indicates that the onion absorbs the germs that are in the air and that in turn, could help reduce when they have already entered the body. For example, one can be placed on the side of the bed to breathe in its scent while sleeping and thus avoid congestion.

Onion and garlic soup

Tasa with onion and garlic soup


  • 1 onion
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 1 potato
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 little ginger
  • half a tablespoon of oregano
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

How to Make Garlic Onion Soup

  1. Cut the onion into thin strips
  2. Cut the garlic into small slices
  3. Grate the potato and ginger
  4. Place in a saucepan with 3 cups of water
  5. Cook until everything is tender
  6. Turn off and add the parsley and olive oil
  7. As an additional you can add lemon juice and sea salt

Importance of a healthy respiratory system

Respiration is one of the most important processes carried out by our body, since it is where we enter air (oxygen) and we remove air with carbon dioxide from it.

Any living being can go for hours without eating, sleeping or drinking water, but none could survive if they stop breathing for more than three minutes.

The functioning of the circulatory system involves the nasal passages, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.

They are responsible for the gas exchange that occurs during respiration, essential to achieve complete oxidation of food and obtain energy for the rest of the body’s processes. In the video at the beginning of this text you will be able to see in greater detail the operation of this system.

Images courtesy of Stu_spivack, Krista and Pelican.

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