Pumpkin And Garlic Puree To Reduce Cholesterol

Sometimes we have to lower cholesterol because when the level is too high, it is not beneficial for our health. It must be remembered that, of the substances that the body needs to function, cholesterol is one of the best known.

It is a lipid found in our cells that the body uses for different purposes, such as digesting food or producing vitamins and hormones.

It must be remembered that, as well as being part of the components of the human body, cholesterol is also present in foods of animal origin, such as meat, cheese, eggs, etc.

This is why, when we consume this type of food, our body will begin to accumulate more cholesterol than it needs to function, which can cause disease.

Excess cholesterol in the blood, along with other fatty substances, can cause a lipid plaque that sticks to the walls of the blood vessels.

This plaque prevents the continuous passage of blood and, therefore, the optimal functioning of the body. This accumulation of fat in the arteries is known as arteriosclerosis.

Types of cholesterol and their role in the body

If you have ever seen a laboratory test that measures cholesterol levels in the blood, surely you have come across various numbers and values. These correspond to the three types of cholesterol in our body.

The most important is HDL or “good” cholesterol. These are high-density lipoproteins (HDL). It is these that are responsible for transporting cholesterol to the liver so that it is eliminated from the body once it has fulfilled its function.

The “good fats” are precisely those that help the body not accumulate “bad” cholesterol, or LDL. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are the cause of diseases related to excess cholesterol in the blood.

The “bad fats” accumulate in the body from a diet with high levels of foods with trans or saturated fats. These fats cannot be easily digested or eliminated by the body. A sedentary lifestyle is also the cause of the accumulation of this type of cholesterol.

There is a third type of cholesterol known as VLDL, (very low density lipoproteins). They are responsible for transporting triglycerides, another type of fat that the body uses as a source of energy. Excess VLDL cholesterol is also considered dangerous for the body, because it can cause heart disease.

Normal total cholesterol levels should be 180 to 200 mg / dl (10 to 11.1 mmol / l). Ideally, HDL cholesterol levels should be higher than LDL, which should not exceed 190 mg / dl. In this way, you can prevent:

  • Cardiovascular accidents.
  • Coronary diseases.
  • Heart problems and circulatory disorders, in general.

    Diet changes to lower cholesterol

    Once we know that there is “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol, it is important that we know what foods to eat. They should be those that help us prevent diseases and, at the same time, provide the body with the fat it needs to function properly and without excesses.

    Recommended foods

    • Fruit.
    • Vegetables.
    • Nuts.
    • Olive and sunflower oil.
    • Chickpeas, lentils and peas.
    • It is also good to eat oily fish since they contain large amounts of omega 3. The fat in these fish protects us from the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries.

    Forbidden food

    Although it sounds very blunt, if we want to reduce cholesterol we must limit the intake of:

    • Sausages.
    • Red meat
    • Candies.
    • Carbonated drinks.
    • Processed and fried foods, in general.

    Pumpkin and garlic to lower cholesterol

    Vegetables are essential in the fight against high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. One of them, the pumpkin, is ideal to include in our daily diet for its cleansing properties.

    Another food that can help lower cholesterol levels is garlic. Allicin, its active ingredient, is an excellent vasodilator and helps reduce blood pressure. It is also an antioxidant. That is, it is a very useful food to take care of cardiovascular health.


    • 3 garlic cloves.
    • 3 glasses of water (750 ml).
    • 1 piece of pumpkin (800 g).


      • Place the water in a pot and bring it to a boil.
      • Cut the pumpkin into medium-thick pieces. Make sure to remove the seeds.
      • Boil the pumpkin pieces, with their skin.
      • Once it is soft, remove it from the heat, peel it and mash the vegetables until you get a puree.
      • Take 3 garlic cloves and cut them into small pieces. Add them to the puree.
      • It is recommended to consume 2 servings of the puree, daily, to notice the results quickly. You can accompany it with another healthy food in your lunch.


      Good nutrition will always be an excellent way to enjoy good health.  Likewise, avoiding excesses, maintaining an active lifestyle and taking care of hydration, will help many discomforts, reduce cholesterol and reduce the number of visits to the doctor.

      Remember that, just as you have the previous recipe, you can use other preparations, such as smoothies, to benefit from the properties of pumpkin and other related ingredients.

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