Prevention Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

As indicated by specialists, type 2 diabetes has a high prevalence worldwide. In fact, it is the most common form of this disease. However, it is possible to prevent it. Do you want to know how? We will comment on it in detail below.

Before continuing, let us remember that diabetes mellitus is a chronic and metabolic disease in which there is an alteration in the body’s blood glucose levels.

The pathology is due to the existence of insulin resistance.  As well as reduced levels of the hormone, which leads to hyperglycemia. This type of diabetes represents around 90% of cases.

Furthermore, the disease is associated with a series of more or less serious complications. These include nerve damage, retinal damage, kidney failure and the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Some of the symptoms of diabetes can be: being very thirsty or hungry, more tired than usual, urinating more than usual, weight loss for no apparent reason, blurred vision, or tingling in the hands or feet.

If you observe these symptoms go to your doctor. By means of simple tests you will be able to diagnose if you suffer from the disease and the treatment to follow.

Woman with diabetes

Risk factor’s

Various factors, both genetic and environmental, influence the development of type 2 diabetes. Regarding genetic factors, today, various genes are known that could be involved in the pathology.  However, the contribution of each of them has not been accurately determined.

On the other hand, taking into account environmental factors, obesity has been identified as one of the major risk factors for the development of the disease.

In this context, the implementation of healthy lifestyle habits seems to be the best ally when it comes to preventing type 2 diabetes. For example, a good diet and the practice of physical exercise.

Knowing the risk factors associated with this metabolic disease is essential to design prevention strategies for the disease. Especially those that are modifiable.

Obesity and prediabetic states

Numerous studies have confirmed that obesity associated with prediabetic factors such as impaired basal blood glucose (GBA), or impaired glucose tolerance (GAD), are two of the most important risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

The so-called prediabetic states are those in which the blood glucose concentration is higher than normal. But they do not reach the figures that would correspond to the diagnosis of diabetes.

Other factors

Other variables that have been associated with the development of type 2 diabetes are, for example:

  • Sedentary.
  • Bad eating habits.
  • Some micronutrients and specific foods.

And also:

  • Gestational diabetes.
  • Breastfeeding
  • Birth weight in relation to gestational age.

Fruits help prevent diabetes

Prevention of type 2 diabetes

Experts recommend some of the guidelines to follow that can help prevent the appearance of type 2 diabetes mellitus are physical exercise and modification of eating habits.

Performing physical exercise

Avoiding a sedentary life and practicing physical exercise on a regular basis provides many benefits. Improves cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure. It also helps prevent obesity and improves insulin resistance.

Several studies show that people who exercise regularly have a lower risk of diabetes. The key is to increase global energy expenditure.  For example, doing some aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling.

Modify eating habits

Diet control is also noted as one of the key factors in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

The most recommended diet to prevent the disease is a hypocaloric diet. This is by reducing your intake of fat and protein. Also, reducing your food portions can help you lose weight.

Guidelines such as drinking water instead of sugary drinks, increasing fiber consumption, not having large dinners or eating slowly, are habits that can help maintain a better nutritional state and prevent diabetes.

Water helps prevent diabetes

On the other hand, habits such as smoking and drinking excessively have a negative effect on the control and prevention of the disease.

Pharmacological measures

In specific cases, pharmacological measures may be implemented. The goal is to prevent the onset of the disease . This is the case of prediabetic patients, or people with a high risk of suffering from diabetes.

This type of therapy can be implemented in people with impaired glucose tolerance (GAD). This is because insulin-sensitizing medications are used.

The use of metformin in prediabetic stages is quite widespread.  Due to its low side effects, its proven hypoglycemic action and its cardiovascular protective effect.

Medication against diabetes should only be taken under a prescription. It is the specialist who will be able to make a complete diagnosis and prescribe the treatment to follow.

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