Prepare A Herbal Alcohol To Soothe Joint Pain

Joint pain can appear due to physical overexertion, injury or wear and tear that is suffered as part of aging.

It is one of the problems that generates the most disability in people and, although it usually occurs in a mild way, it tends to interfere with the performance of daily tasks.

Its appearance is the result of an inflammatory response activated by the immune system, but it can also warn of the deterioration of the cartilage and ligaments that line the joint. 

Regardless of this, it is essential to provide care, since stiffness and pain tend to increase when they are not given timely treatment.

Fortunately, in addition to conventional drugs, there are alternative therapies whose application minimizes symptoms so that they do not affect quality of life.

Among these we find a herbal alcohol that, applied externally, calms inflammation, improves circulation and reduces discomfort.

Go ahead and prepare it!

Herbal alcohol to soothe joint pain

Joint pain is related to bacteria in the gut

Herbal alcohol is a natural product for topical use that takes advantage of the anti-inflammatory extracts of some plants to provide us with a complementary solution to soothe joint pain. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Chinese Medicine.

It is a gentle formula that provides essential nutrients to stimulate the passage of blood in painful areas and, in this way, reduce the symptoms that afflict it.

  • Its application through massage helps to tone the blood capillaries, avoiding circulation disorders or edema.
  • It has emollient effects that control swelling, favoring the movement of the stiff joint.
  • It stimulates the functions of the lymphatic system, optimizing the elimination of toxins that usually cause inflammatory imbalances.
  • It acts positively against disorders such as phlebitis, varicose veins and thrombosis.
  • Relaxes stiff muscles and helps improve the cellular oxygenation process to speed up the recovery of injured or inflamed joints.
  • It is a good supplement for the relief of chronic conditions such as arthritis and bone diseases.
  • Its use relaxes tired legs and optimizes blood flow in the lower body.

How to prepare this herbal alcohol?

herbal alcohol to soothe joint pain

The preparation of this herbal alcohol allows us to have on hand a relaxing and analgesic product for the treatment of joint pain.

Although it can be done when the ailment already exists, the ideal is to have it prepared before suffering it to be able to resort to the remedy as soon as the symptoms are perceived.

  • The advantage of this product is that it is usually kept in good condition for a long time and, thanks to this, it can be kept in the medicine cabinet.
  • It is best to use fresh herbs so that they release all of their extracts and nutrients.
  • These can be purchased at botanicals or herbal stores.


  • 1 liter of 96º alcohol
  • 1 branch of rosemary. This plant also has well-known antimicrobial properties, according to this study carried out by the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil).
  • 2 branches of juniper
  • 1 branch of mint
  • 1 branch of aloe vera that, according to this study carried out by the Provincial Teaching Surgical Clinical Hospital “Amalia Simoni Argilagos” of Camagüey, Cuba, is healing.
  • 2 nettle branches


  • Cutting board
  • Glass jar with lid


    • Sterilize the glass jar with a lid. To do this, boil it in a pot of water for 20 minutes.
    • Meanwhile, put the herbs on a cutting board and finely chop.
    • When the jar is clean, dry it well and add the chopped plants.
    • Next, pour the liter of alcohol and make sure that the mixture of plants is well covered.
    • Cover the jar and store it in a cool, dark place for a period of 3 weeks.
    • After this time, filter the alcohol with a strainer to discard the plant debris.

    Application mode

    Calms joint and muscle pain

    • Take some rubbing alcohol with a washcloth and rub it on your sore joints.
    • If you like, apply it with the palms of your hands for a relaxing massage.
    • Use it before going to bed so that its properties act while you rest.
    • Repeat its use every time you feel pain in your body.
    • Do not forget that you can also use it in cases of sprains and tendonitis.

    Preparing this natural herbal remedy is very easy and has many benefits for treating pain. Follow the steps indicated and keep it available to take advantage of its properties.

    Of course, before applying it, carry out a small test, since its components could cause unwanted reactions on sensitive skin.

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