Parsley Drink To Cleanse The Kidneys Naturally

In addition to helping us eliminate toxins, parsley infusion has diuretic properties that prevent fluid retention. It is important to accompany it with healthy lifestyle habits.

The kidneys are the organs responsible for purifying the blood through a complex process. They take care of  absorb substances necessary for the body. At the same time, they filter those toxic elements that can gradually accumulate. Find out how parsley can help you keep your kidneys healthy.

Next we will tell you when it is necessary to take it, why it is healthy and how to prepare your drink.

How do I know if I need a kidney cleanse?

The first thing to highlight at this point is the assistance from a professional, that is, this should only and exclusively obey the advice of our GP. For this reason, it is advisable to do routine medical check-ups at least once a year, so that we can rule out certain issues related to Internet information.

When you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you eat too much salt and too little water, it is not at all strange that your kidneys begin to have difficulties in their functioning. This causes serious health problems such as infections, stones or failure.

That is why it is necessary to “purify them occasionally” through the consumption of foods that provide them with the nutrients they need to work, as this study indicates for example. Parsley is one of the most beneficial plants for kidney health. Its properties help to clean the kidneys naturally and represent a great alternative to keep them free of diseases.

How to know if I need a kidney cleanse.

Toxicity to the kidneys and blood is associated with the development of chronic pathologies that can impair the quality of life.

Through a timely renal cleansing, accumulated toxins can be eliminated.  Thus, we will alleviate the burden on this organ and guarantee its optimal functioning.

It is essential to start a process of cleaning the kidneys if symptoms such as:

  • High or low blood pressure
  • Pain in the front or lower abdomen.
  • Dark brown urine with a strong odor.
  • Back pain, just above the waist.
  • Excessive thirst.
  • Changes in urination habits.
  • Pain when urinating
  • Drier and darker epithelial pigments.
  • Swollen ankles.
  • Inflammation around the eyes.
  • Bruising and bleeding

Why does parsley drink help cleanse the kidneys?

Why parsley drink helps cleanse the kidneys.

There are many reasons why parsley drink is a good choice when you want to do a kidney cleanse.

This plant is a natural source of antioxidant compounds such as beta-carotene, as well as vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur. This is shown by this study focused on aromatic plants.

Its richness in nutrients helps purify the body of waste substances and excess fat. Its accumulation generates interruptions in the functioning of the so-called “purifying organs”.

In the case of the kidneys, it has a very special effect since, in addition to facilitating the elimination of toxins, it is also a great remedy to regulate fluids and activate their proper functioning.

Its richness in chlorophyll protects cells and gives it a cooling effect to combat annoying problems such as bad breath.

In addition to all this, it has a powerful digestive action that reduces inflammation, gas and pain caused by indigestion.

Natural parsley drink to cleanse and detoxify the kidneys

Natural parsley drink.

The most common way to take advantage of the properties of this plant is by preparing a natural drink that is obtained by cooking it in water.


  • 6 tablespoons of parsley (60 g).
  • 1 liter of water.

How to prepare it?

  • To start, take the parsley and wash it very well to disinfect it. You can dip it in a little water with vinegar or lemon.
  • Then, cut it into small pieces and put it in a pot with a liter of water.
  • Let the decoction take place for about 10 minutes and allow it to steep.
  • When it is ready for consumption, strain it and serve it.
  • If you prefer it cold, you can put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

How to use this drink for kidney cleansing?

  • Consume a glass of the drink on an empty stomach, waiting at least 30 minutes before eating any other food.
  • You can have up to two glasses a day if you prefer.
  • Take it for two weeks in a row for a complete detox.
  • If you consider it necessary, you can do the cleaning once a month.

    Due to the role it plays in health, it is essential to pay attention to all the signals that the kidneys send us to announce that they have difficulties due to the accumulation of waste.

    Although you can start a cleaning process with drinks such as parsley, it is also necessary to improve lifestyle habits as a way to prevent future diseases.

    A good diet, exercise, and a significant reduction in daily sodium intake can help maintain optimal health.

    Remember that if your kidney health does not improve in a short time with these changes that we suggest, you should see your doctor immediately.

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