Pain In The Right Part Of The Abdomen: What Is It Due To?

Many people have ever felt a sudden, stabbing, and uncomfortable pain in the abdomen. Sometimes, this is focused on the right side and it causes us a little more fear and anxiety because of not knowing what its origin may be. We explain the main possible causes for you to take it into account.

Causes of right pain in the abdomen

Almost all of us have suffered pain in the abdomen at some time, either more or less frequently. However, when this annoyance is focused on a specific place and is repeated several times, we can start to worry.

The restlessness is enhanced if the pain is in the right area, since this is where the liver is located and it is a part that always causes us fear that it may be affected. However, before you worry, you need to know that this can be due to many other causes and not just liver problems. So let’s look at the possible triggers:

1. Gases

It is usually the most common cause. Therefore, it is recommended that, above all, you keep calm. When digestion is poor or even at the end of a time of constipation,  gases accumulate and this causes our abdomen to swell.

It is common that it hurts, especially in the area under the ribs; more discomfort is also likely to appear on the right side. Therefore, the first thing of all is to know how to identify the type of pain.

Do you feel full? Is it a pain that usually appears after meals or even in the morning? Is it occasional? If you’ve answered yes to most of these questions, don’t worry – it’s most likely gas.

To try to reverse this problem, the best solution is to do some moderate exercise on a routine basis. Here we propose a simple exercise that will not take much time.

2. Bowel disease

Colon problems

Diseases associated with the intestine can cause, among many other symptoms, abdominal pain in the right area. To refer to this type of disease, the term inflammatory bowel disease is used . This includes disorders that involve chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. Some types of inflammatory bowel disease are Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Common signs and symptoms of both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Fever and fatigue
  • Abdominal pain and cramps
  • Blood in the stool
  • Decreased appetite
  • Unintentional weight loss

However, you don’t have to be alarmed. Abdominal pain on the right side does not have to lead to one of these diseases. Also, keep in mind that both Crohn’s disease and colitis can be treated with medications to help control symptoms. The important thing is that you go to your doctor as soon as possible.

3. Kidneys

Kidneys in a woman's body.

A third cause to which we can attribute the pain in the right part of the abdomen is, of course, some condition associated with the kidneys. For example, it can be caused by kidney infections or kidney stones.

With a kidney infection, we often suffer from very severe abdominal pain that can spread to the back as well. It is also possible to suffer pain when urinating; in which case the tone of the urine will be cloudy. In addition, fever is also common.

As you can see, the symptoms are very clear. They may be softer in the early stages, but they are usually fairly clear features that cannot be confused with simple gases.

Kidney conditions are painful, but there is treatment. If we suffer from kidney stones, the symptoms will disappear quickly once the stones have passed.

4. Pancreas

Pancreas in a woman's body.

The pancreas is shaped like a teardrop and is located next to the duodenum – the first section of the small intestine. It is between the stomach and the spine, surrounded by the liver and intestines, very close to the right side.  Hence, it stands as a possibility that we must take into account.

When feeling pain in this area, it is possible that we are suffering from an infection in the pancreas. Symptoms of infection of the pancreas are similar to gallbladder diseases;  This includes upper abdominal pain that goes to the stomach or back.

So that you can differentiate it from the above symptoms, take a look at how you feel after eating. If you are vomiting or dizzy, then you may have pancreatitis.

5. Ulcers

Stomach ulcer.

Ulcers in the stomach can cause pain anywhere in the abdomen. However, peptic or abdominal ulcers can focus their discomfort on the right side of the abdomen.  It is a pain that comes and goes, but that becomes more annoying when we eat spicy foods, for example.

In conclusion, these are the most common reasons that can lead to pain in the right side of the abdomen. Keep in mind that most of the time they are simple gases, but  if the discomfort is continuous, stabbing and prevents you from doing your normal life, go immediately to the doctor.

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