Oreo Pancakes

This time we are going to prepare some delicious Oreo pancakes, where you will find inside pieces of this well-known and delicious cookie.

It is a super simple recipe that requires some basic and simple ingredients. You are going to add a touch of flavor to the already delicious Oreo with the aim of preparing some Oreo pancakes, a new and ingenious sweet. Go ahead!

Ingredients needed to make Oreo pancakes

oreo pancakes

It is the turn to use the Oreo cookies to finish with the Oreno pancakes. Chop the cookies with your hands into very small pieces, as if they were chocolate chips. Stir a generous amount into the batter.

Next, pour a little oil into a large skillet and spread it out to cover the bottom. Or if you have a grill plate, you can also use it. When the oil is ready to use, pour some of the mixture into the pan.

When the pancake has started to cook on one side, you will see the wet pasta start to bubble on the other side. Once it is bubbling a bit, you have to turn it over so it is done on the other side. Slide the putty knife underneath and gently flip it over to the other side.

Once the Oreo pancake has sat for a minute or two, flip it one more time. Make sure the bottom is cooked, and then use your spatula to set the Oreo pancake aside on a plate.

Repeat this process until all the batter has been used up. When you’re done, serve them with icing sugar and chocolate syrup on top.

Your family will suck their fingers!

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