Only You Know What You’ve Overcome And Everything You’ve “let Go” …

Life is a long and complex road where we assume that everything comes, everything changes and everything passes . Now, as a brave woman that you are, nobody but you knows what you have overcome to get where you are now.

It is possible that your day to day is not exactly easy. That your family has its good days and bad days, that your partner does not always recognize everything you do for him, that, sometimes, you wake up thinking that you will not be able to with your day …

And yet you open your eyes to the world and you can do it all. You are stronger than you think, braver than everyone thinks.

You just have to believe a little more in yourself to be able to face all your difficulties with more confidence.

We invite you to reflect on it in the following text. We are sure that it will make you think …

1. It is not the strongest who supports the most, but who is capable of “letting go”

Sometimes we come to think that the strongest people are those who can “hold out” with everything. With work, with the responsibility of the house, the children, our parents, our in-laws …

Everyone has their needs and sometimes we try to satisfy each of them over and above our own needs.

And that’s a good thing, no doubt. We offer all our love to those who are part of our social and emotional circle  , but sometimes the balance is not balanced.

Each of our efforts may not be recognized, the resignations we make, the concerns we have to add to ours …

  • Carry your life lived, your experiences, your memories and your own concerns. Do not carry other people’s weights because then  you will see your own progress limited.

If you have a family that dominates you, that ties up your freedom and that prevents you from continuing on your way, then set limits. “Loose”.

In life, we should not carry other people’s weights.

  • Do not let yourself be dominated by the selfishness of others, by insecurities, mistrust, unfounded criticism …
  • Do not assume negative emotions or dimensions because, in the end, you will be the captive of your own enemies.
  • If you have a partner who violates your rights, who prevents you from being yourself, reflect. You are not stronger for “putting up with” everything he tells you, everything he suggests, everything he prohibits you. Strong is one who is capable of being brave and breaking with what hurts him.
  • If you have a friendship that puts itself before you, that looks out for its own interests and that only requires you when it needs something in return, think about that too.

Avoid accumulating weights that are not yours. In particular, interested loads that, far from offering harmony to your life, bring you more worries.

Nobody is selfish for prioritizing himself, for leaving aside what does not make us happy. In your life there are basic pillars that you should never give up: your self-esteem, and who you really love.

Throughout your day to day you will find many stones on the way. Avoid collecting them all and carrying them on your backpack, because then the weight will prevent you from moving forward. The stones “let go”.

2. In this life everything comes and everything passes, what you have overcome and let go

We have all gone through those times when we wanted things to come as soon as possible. That love, that trip, that job, that change of house …

We must not be in a hurry for anything, life has its rhythm and we have to be patient, adjusting to that serene flow where no one is left behind.

However, time, in addition to bringing us everything we dream of, can also bring us disappointment, sadness, loss.

  • As a woman and throughout your life cycle you have had to face many difficult moments that only you understand, and that even only you know and that you have overcome.

We are all much more than we appear, we all hide old memories, losses left behind that still make us sigh from time to time.

  • However, everything must be overcome. Because what really matters “is the here and now”, this moment when you must be united to yourself. To what you want and what you need, without carrying, as you know, weights other than yours.
  • In this life everything comes and everything passes, and remember: you should not be afraid of the passage of time.  What should really scare us is a life not lived, a few years spent in emptiness and without experiences felt to the fullest, with its sufferings included…. because you learn from everything.

Only you know everything that you have overcome and the resignations that you have had to do to be where you are now. Feel proud of who you are and for all that you have achieved. 

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