Noni Juice, Characteristics And Health Benefits

Noni juice is obtained from the fruit of the noni tree, also known as “devil fruit,” cimarrona soursop, among other names. It is a drink that, having a high content of quercetin and other substances, could benefit the body in different ways, such as inflammation, for example.

In a study carried out at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology of the University of Basel (Switzerland), it was concluded that it is necessary to continue researching the components of noni, since no evidence has yet been found to confirm that, indeed , It is a fruit capable of providing contributions in the treatment of diseases.

One of the most important components of noni juice is xeronine. This enzyme is responsible for the repair of cells.

For now, it is best to enjoy noni juice as a natural, refreshing, tasty and vitamin-filled drink, within a balanced diet.

Origin and cultivation of noni

The noni plant has its origin in the islands of the South Pacific , such as Tahiti or Fiji, but its cultivation has spread to New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia.

The production of noni juice begins before the fruit ripens. The green fruit of the plant is collected and allowed to finish ripening in the sun, already cut. From the leaves, the fruit, the stems and the roots, a puree is made, from which the juice will later be extracted.

White noni

Noni juice is normally sold in one-liter glass bottles. The authentic traditional drink is made with 100% noni, so it is important to pay attention to the label to check its ingredients.

In conclusion, although it is considered that noni juice could help reduce inflammation, given its content of dietary fiber and quercetin. However, further research is required.

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