Natural Yogurt Remedy To Remove Bad Breath

In addition to neutralizing hydrogen sulfide to prevent bad breath, yogurt also helps us take care of our dental health. Also, good oral hygiene is essential to combat halitosis.

Bad breath is a significant problem for many people, as it hinders personal and intimate relationships and affects their mood and self-esteem.

However, this disorder has a solution if we know its causes and the most effective solutions.

Discover in this article a great remedy based on natural yogurt, apple, cinnamon and honey to remove bad breath.

We can put an end to this unpleasant problem while enjoying this delicious recipe.

Causes of halitosis

Bad breath can be caused by the consumption of a specific food, such as garlic or onion.

However, when we refer to the halitosis disorder it is usually related to a chronic digestive disorder.

Bad breath can often be accompanied by other digestive ailments: such as belching and flatulence, gastric hyperacidity, gastritis or constipation.

In these cases, halitosis is the evidence that there are remains of food in the gastrointestinal tract that have not been digested.

Therefore, the bacteria create gases that are the cause of the bad smell.

Bad breath remedy

Bowl of liquid yogurt to fight bad breath

This remedy for bad breath combines the healing virtues of four ingredients:

  • Natural yogurt: This food reduces bad breath and prevents dental problems, since it eliminates hydrogen sulfide, one of the main causes of halitosis.
  • Apple: This fruit is ideal for preventing mouth disorders and bad breath, as well as providing great freshness.
  • Ceylon cinnamon: Spices are also a good option to improve breath. Cinnamon, in particular, in addition to providing its intense flavor, also favors digestive function.
  • Bee honey: Honey is an antibacterial food that helps us prevent infections of all kinds, while sweetening this recipe in a healthy way.


    • 1 natural yogurt (125 ml)
    • A green apple
    • 1 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon (4 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)

    We can buy natural yogurt as long as it does not contain sugar, flavorings and other additives.

    Another option is to prepare our own homemade yogurt.

    It is not essential to have a yogurt maker, although this device helps us maintain a stable warm temperature throughout the process.


    Preparing this remedy is very simple. We just have to follow these steps and we will have it ready in a few minutes:

    • First step: Peel the apples and chop them. If they are organic, we can also consume their peeling.
    • Second: Beat the apple together with the rest of the ingredients: the yogurt, the cinnamon and the honey.
    • The result is a delicious smoothie or cream with the sweet touch of cinnamon and honey.

    How do we take it?


    Although this remedy could be a delicious dessert or a very suitable snack for any time, if we want to combat bad breath we must consume it on an empty stomach.

    In this way we will achieve the effect we want.

    • The most important time to take it is on an empty stomach and without mixing it with other foods. Therefore, we will consume it when we get up and wait at least half an hour before having more breakfast.
    • However, if we want to do an intensive treatment, we will also eat it half an hour before lunch and dinner.

    Other tips

    For this treatment to be effective we must take it daily for a season and follow these other tips:

    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to cleanse the body of toxins. We must always drink on an empty stomach and outside of meals. The recommended amount is at least one and a half liters a day.
    • Consume spices and aromatic plants with meals, especially parsley, rosemary and juniper.
    • Improve our diet to balance the function of the stomach, liver and intestine. Eat a good amount of raw fruits and vegetables each day in juices, salads, and smoothies.
    • Take a chlorella algae supplement under the supervision of a professional.
    • Perform good oral and dental hygiene every day. We must floss, brush and rinse (if possible, natural).
    • Swish oil for a season to remove toxins from the entire digestive tract.
    • Control the consumption of garlic and onion, especially raw, since they can favor the appearance of halitosis.

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