Natural Care For Dry Skin

Do you know that, in addition to external moisturizing, to show off healthy and hydrated skin it is essential that we drink plenty of water? This way we will be able to eliminate toxins and improve the state of our dermis

Dry skin needs daily care to prevent it from losing its radiance and premature wrinkles from appearing.

In this article we explain what are the natural beauty remedies to keep it hydrated and nourished and some eating tips that will help us provide everything you need from the inside.

Why do we have dry skin?

As we get older our body loses water, we become dehydrated, and this is also reflected in our skin, which is fading. But there are people who suffer from dry skin from a young age, and in these cases it may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Diet deficient in healthy fats
  • Dehydration, that is, when we don’t drink enough fluids
  • Excessive exposure to the sun or aggressive climates
  • Smoking
  • Lack of facial care
  • Excessive use of conventional facial cosmetics
  • Hormonal disorder

More healthy fats

The first step in nourishing the skin from within is incorporating high-fat but healthy foods into our diet.

If we want to control our weight we should not fear, since good fats are properly assimilated by our body without causing fat deposits. They also keep us more satiated and help build muscle, which needs a lot of energy to maintain itself and that increases our metabolism.

On the other hand, harmful fats do make us overweight. Which are?

Healthy fats

  • Vegetable oils of first cold pressing: olive, sesame, coconut, sunflower, flax, wheat germ.
  • Nuts, especially macadamia nuts and pine nuts
  • Avocado, a high-fat fruit
  • Blue Fish
  • Yolk

Consume quality oils to improve dry skin

Harmful fats

  • Red meats and sausages
  • Margarine and other trans fats
  • Fried and processed foods
  • Dairy derivatives: creams, ice creams, etc.

Drink enough water

Some people have noticed that their skin is more hydrated simply by drinking about a liter and a half of water a day, outside of meals. This advice will improve the condition of our skin in a few days.

If we start the day drinking 2 to 4 glasses on an empty stomach it will already be very beneficial, not only for our skin but for our body in general.

How do we take care of the skin?

Although in general it is recommended to exfoliate the skin as the first step before a treatment, in the case of dry skin we must be very careful, since we could dry it out even more. We can perform a facial massage with a natural and mild soap for our skin, and this will be enough. 

Next we will use a facial toner and a moisturizer, steps that we will follow at night before going to bed.

Weekly we will also apply a nourishing mask to our face.

Here we explain these steps in detail.

Facial tonic

Make your own facial toner for dry skin by mixing the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar
  • A few drops of rosemary or lavender essential oil

We will mix well and always shake it before using it. We will apply it with the help of a cleaning disk or a cotton pad, gently dabbing the face after having washed it with fresh water.

lavender for dry skin


If we opt for the most natural we should not use facial creams, although if they are natural at least they do not have the risks of conventional ones, which include many toxic ingredients.

But in reality we can use very simple and completely natural products that will hydrate our skin in depth:

  • Coconut oil: for slightly dry or combination skin
  • Almond oil: for dry skin
  • Rosehip or argan oil: for very dry, wrinkled, mature skin

We will apply the oil with a gentle massage so that it is well absorbed. If our skin is too shiny we can use a less greasy oil, mix it with a little aloe vera gel or remove that shine with the help of a washcloth.

Face mask

Once a week we should also apply a mask to our face so that it deeply nourishes the skin and leaves it luminous and firm.

We can also use ingredients from our kitchen in this case, such as:

  • Avocado
  • Banana or ripe plantain
  • Yoghurt
  • Vegetable oils
  • Beer yeast

We will mix the ingredients we want and apply them on clean skin. Let it act for half an hour and wash the face well. Then we will hydrate it as we usually do.

Although clay masks are very famous and beneficial, they are not suitable for dry skin because they can dry it out too much. Only if we have slightly dry or combination skin can we do it once every fifteen days, and mixing the clay with yogurt instead of water.

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