Myths And Truths About Green Smoothies

Have you ever tried green smoothies? Do you know its supposed benefits? Here we unmask its myths and truths.

Green smoothies have become the protagonists of the diets of millions of people around the world. But do you know the myths and truths of green smoothies?

The boom they have achieved in recent years thanks to famous personalities has unleashed a strong interest on the part of consumers.

The many recipes that combine fruits, vegetables, seeds and a wide variety of healthy ingredients have become the perfect complement to meal plans.

Despite this, many misconceptions have arisen regarding the benefits they provide, especially since many of their properties have been exaggerated.

How true is everything that is said about these drinks? What are they really for? Below we review in detail the myths and truths regarding its consumption.

Green smoothie myths

Green smoothie and vegetables: cucumber, spinach and parsley. After its heyday, many myths and truths about green smoothies have emerged.

1. Myth: green smoothies are slimming

Incorporating green smoothies in the regular diet seems to be an ideal formula to “burn” that fat that tends to accumulate in different parts of the body.

However, far from reality, its daily intake does not have a significant effect on body weight.


  • These drinks combine two or three pieces of fruit, which means more sugars and calories.
  • When liquefied, they lose an important part of their fiber, reducing their digestive properties.
  • Chewing produces a greater satiating sensation than drinking. For this reason, to curb anxiety, the ideal would be to consume whole fruits and vegetables.
  • It is not appropriate to attribute slimming properties to a food or product as such. Weight loss is a process that is achieved through a combination of various lifestyle factors.

2. Myth: it is better to drink smoothies than to consume whole fruits or vegetables

Green smoothies are healthy, it’s true. What is not correct is to affirm that its properties are superior to those provided by whole fruits and vegetables.

Although it is valid to include them in the diet to obtain a “plus” of nutrients, it must be considered that their ingredients may lose some nutrients in the process.


  • Fruits and vegetables can lose vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants when squeezed.
  • When they are left in their natural state, whole, they retain all their nutrients as long as they are in good condition.

3. Myth: green smoothies cleanse the body

One of the reasons why the consumption of green smoothies has been promoted is because of their supposed ability to “cleanse” or “purify” the body.

The cocktail of fruits and vegetables with a high content of chlorophyll seems to be an ideal formula to remove those residues that are retained in the body.

But … can a simple drink actually fulfill this function? The answer is no.

Although its nutrients are beneficial for health, it is organs such as the kidneys and liver that can carry out this process.


  • The shakes can provide an “extra” of nutrients that, when assimilated, support the functioning of these excretory organs.
  • However, if the person does not have a healthy lifestyle, little or nothing can make these drinks.

Green smoothie truths

Green smoothie and vegetables: kiwi, apple and celery.

1. Truth: green smoothies help hydrate the body

Among the great truths of green smoothies, we find that they are a good alternative to keep the body hydrated. However, it should not be taken to the extreme.

To hydrate there is nothing better than plain water : it is zero calories and participates in a wide variety of vital functions of the body.


  • A glass of green smoothie is not enough to hydrate. Therefore, it will be necessary to supplement its consumption with several glasses of water.
  • Some fruits and vegetables are more hydrating than others. Thus, it is important to know how to combine the ingredients.

2. Truth: the effect of green smoothies can be positive

Although it is not true that green smoothies have “super functions” in health and weight, nutritionally they can provide several positive effects on the body.

  • They are not harmful
  • Its caloric content is moderate
  • They contain vitamins, minerals and natural sugars that help to “recharge” the body with energy.


  • They should be considered a supplement to the diet. They do not replace main meals and should not be eaten in excess during the day.
  • Its consumption is harmless in most cases ; Despite this, it is advisable to consult a doctor in case of suffering from any disease or taking medications.

    Did you have the wrong idea about green smoothies? What do you think now that you know the myths and truths of green smoothies?

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